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Psilocybin and LSD: What I learnt after experiencing 'psychedelic flashbacks'

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Psilocybin and LSD: What I learnt after experiencing 'psychedelic flashbacks'


"Scientists are also uncertain how HPPD works in the brain. The "disinhibition hypothesis" suggests that psychedelic drugs cause a "decoupling" of visual filters: the brain becomes less able to screen out visual noise. But MRI scans reveal that some people who report HPPD display no differences. Some suggest that HPPD may arise from the ways that psychedelics render the brain more neuroplastic and malleable, such that it "resettles" after a trip in an altered state. Since it's considered a mental health problem, though, HPPD can't be reduced solely to neurochemical processes in the brain: the individual person, their environment and relationships matter too.

We don't know precisely how long people's symptoms tend to last, either. For some, the effects may last a few weeks or months and fade away. Others live with them for a few years or even several decades. One tentative estimate of clinical HPPD patients suggests that 50% may recover within five years."

"Some of the people intensively involved with psychedelic therapy and research hardly know about HPPD – Tomislav Majić, psychiatrist"

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