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High-Dose Psilocybin Shows Potential as an Antidepressant Treatment

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High-Dose Psilocybin Shows Potential as an Antidepressant Treatment

"High doses of psilocybin – the active ingredient in magic mushrooms – appears to have a similar effect on depressive symptoms as the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drug escitalopram, suggests a systematic review and meta-analysis published in The BMJ today."

So they continue doing these studies although it's been estimated that around 5% of psychedelic users develop HPPD and/or Visual Snow, got it lol. I think I'm going to email these guys as well.

Edited by brake
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Could be that mercury exposure makes certain people giddy and happy, or drinking bleach or taking deworming pills cures Covid for some people.  To hell with cause and effect, causation and correlation... just the sequence of events matters.


Seriously, man, if someone told you, "This drug may cure your depression, but there's (let's say) a 1% chance you will have permanent perceptual scarring", would you go for that?  If your depression was severe enough that you were on the precipice of suicide, and there is no other solution, perhaps these odds are reasonable.  Your life is on the line.  Even if that were the case, there are so many options today that it doesn't make sense unless all other options are exhausted.  I do know clinical depression can be severe and I'm not trivializing it.  But clinical depression is often conflated with depression or just short term melancholia or normal grieving.  This drive to treat everything with magic pills and potions is modern madness and all too often the most ludicrous expression of laziness on the part of mental health "practitioners" who should be shooting themselves with these drugs before anyone else, if you ask me...


Edited by yarkadin
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6 hours ago, yarkadin said:

Could be that mercury exposure makes certain people giddy and happy, or drinking bleach or taking deworming pills cures Covid for some people.  To hell with cause and effect, causation and correlation... just the sequence of events matters.


Seriously, man, if someone told you, "This drug may cure your depression, but there's (let's say) a 1% chance you will have permanent perceptual scarring", would you go for that?  If your depression was severe enough that you were on the precipice of suicide, and there is no other solution, perhaps these odds are reasonable.  Your life is on the line.  Even if that were the case, there are so many options today that it doesn't make sense unless all other options are exhausted.  I do know clinical depression can be severe and I'm not trivializing it.  But clinical depression is often conflated with depression or just short term melancholia or normal grieving.  This drive to treat everything with magic pills and potions is modern madness and all too often the most ludicrous expression of laziness on the part of mental health "practitioners" who should be shooting themselves with these drugs before anyone else, if you ask me...


It's more than 1%. It's definitely around 5%. I would never have tried it had I known. But apparently antidepressants can also cause visual snow syndrome. I emailed these guys as well.

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