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possible dp


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Ok within the course of my hppd i have been having these attacks, it seems to come for about an.hour or 2 then pass when it happens my body feels wieghtless, my surroundings feel spacey and when i look around everything seems new as if it wasnt there before, my own arms and hands feel foreign to me as if they were someone elses.

Is this dp or just my perception being distorted by hppd or common anxiety? Is has never really bothered me but im just curious as to what it is...

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Yeah it feels like everything is far away yet isn't and i forget whats around me and its all new when i see it, its a feeling that is becoming more frequent and its quite hard to act normal around people when it feels like your body is weightless and floating. its such a strange feeling

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hppd symptoms seem to come in waves, get bad then better so dont worry too much. i find it helps to just shake my head take a deep breathe and shake my hands, rub my legs and like, figure out im here, i can feel me, its all real sorta thing if this feeling gets overwhelming. i also think its important to be open with the others around u so they know why ur acting a little distant and fucked up.

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i also think its important to be open with the others around u so they know why ur acting a little distant and fucked up.

That can be very helpfull.

It sounds like it is DP/DR. Its a horrible feeling, the longer you have it the worse it feels. Luckily i never had it for more than 5 or six hours at a time. For most people it comes and goes with anxiety. If you control your anxiety it will go away.

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I'm quite open with my close friends about my Hppd majority seem to understand haven't really said anything about dp/dr to them because i myself did not understand what it was exactly, they seem to pick up on it when im going through an attack because i am a lot more jumpy and nervous. My girlfriend actually described dr without me telling her about it after she smoked weed and said everything around her seemed fake, as if she were in a dream and that she still gets attacks on overcast days and says it still bothers her so i guess i can talk to her when im going through this.

I'm glad so far this feeling only lasts an hour or 2 at most, but it seems to happen at the worst possible times like at work or at a party around lots of people. Maybe i'm anxious about that and that is where it stems from

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I had it real bad at first, like I was doubting my existance, maybe. Was in a coma, was the universe in my head. What I found was useful was immersing myself in my own life. U really need to do the things u do, listen to ur favourite music, do the hobby u do. Make urself feel coumfortable in ur own body again

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Thank you guys for sharing this. You've described my sxs exactly. I don't think my friends really understand most of what I've told them about HPPD. I go to AA mtgs and it gets me in there alot. I'll just be listening to someone in the group and I'll begin to not be able to register the words I'm hearing and than I feel like I'm in a bubble of my own and I also somehow feel like I'm outside the bubble seeing myself. It's not that vivid, it's just hard to describe. I just take a few breaths and kind of rub my arms and legs and it will usually pass. When it first happened it was horrible, but not so bad anymore.

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what i find is, it feels like ur brain turns in on urself. it starts with one thought...then a question, then eratic thoughts cos u cant answer it and it escalates. for eg this is what happens with me

friend : " so i woke up this morning and felt ill "

me : " ha, yeah that sucks, i felt kinda ill yesterday actually " in my head suddenly " dam, i did feel ill, i dont feel so good now either, maybe my hppd is getting worse, how bad can it get? fuck, it cant get that bad, im sure im fine, maybe im not, maybe its just starting to set in properly " then i start looking at my hands and around sorta nodding nervously tryna look like i know whats going on, head feelings light, feeling weightless and dreamy

the next thing i know, iv missed half a conversation because i was standing staring into space tryna figure out whats going on and calm myself down. amasing how one thought triggers an anxious DP attack

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I find that i can't concentrate on anything anyone says either, i will get lost in my own thoughts and when i think about my hppd( which is nearly all the time, can't help it) I space out and go blank. I've never felt out of my body just a feeling that it is foreign too me except i have noticed when i look in the mirror i feel as though i am the reflection looking back at myself instead of me looking at my reflection if that makes sense, its really annoying and bothersome. Even standing still is a chore it feels like im floating and waving around

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