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Simple way to make reading easier


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Make the font larger. Difficulty reading due to HPPD is due to two reasons: visual distortions, the other being cognition (comprehension, etc). To aid the ability to see the words more clearly, I believe enlarging font size will help, because the after-images will be more pronounced, and thus more easily seen as such. Try it for yourself. See if it is easier to read this exact paragraph at this higher font. I'm only talking in terms of visuals, not comprehension. For me, the trailing after-images make reading difficult sometimes, but the larger font seems to help.

Make the font larger. Difficulty reading due to HPPD is due to two reasons: visual distortions, the other being cognition (comprehension, etc). To aid the ability to see the words more clearly, I believe enlarging font size will help, because the after-images will be more pronounced, and thus more easily seen as such. Try it for yourself. See if it is easier to read this exact paragraph at this higher font. I'm only talking in terms of visuals, not comprehension. For me, the trailing after-images make reading difficult sometimes, but the larger font seems to help.

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That's right. What I discovered when I realized I was getting closer to my 32 'LED. The less a esfuerze the better view.

I did an eye exam and my vision is perfect, however when I put a magnifying lens of 0.25 it was clarified substantially.

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