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Lamotrigine = HPPD Cure

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I taked some pills of lamotrigine, I started with 50mg, now Im at 200mg and the symthons just go!! I can see a blue sky clean, ;)


I'm 100% cured, thank you guys for help me in everything


Medications I had used: sertraline, risperidone, thorazine, olanzapine, ginkgo biloba, omega A-Z, diazepam, clonazepam, and lastly, lamotrigine, vertizine D and fluoxetine.


sorry for my english, I'm brazilian, but I'm very happy :DDDDD

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Wow that is really great news, happy for you man! I seriously need to do a Lamotrigine or Levetiracetam trial ASAP


Edit: Hopefully somebody with some knowledge on the subject could answer this: Does it matter how much time has passed since onset? Or would the eventual results be pretty much the same, like if it works it works and if not then you´re just outta luck?

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Hi xspeciem

There are few case reports available via pubmed/epub in which Lamotrigine itself induced persistent visual snow and palinopsia/trails in patients with migraine, who got no such symptoms before.

But also there are few reports on patients with PHHD and migraine who had their visual perception improved on Lamotrigine, so possibly it is not solution for everyone and potentially can make PHHD worse.



Edit: Hopefully somebody with some knowledge on the subject could answer this: Does it matter how much time has passed since onset? Or would the eventual results be pretty much the same, like if it works it works and if not then you´re just outta luck?

I found no data on this. The mainstream hypothesis now is that aeropsias/palinopsia/etc are generally related to a hyperactive visual cortex, which is possibly determined by the genetics and/or early stages of development.

If this hypothesis is correct, then PHHD (and permanent aura in migraine and epilepsy)  are possibly pre-existing conditions, you only notice them when cortical self-inhibitory mechanisms become downregulated or somehow insufficient to inhibit excessive activity in visual analyser which allows it to generate all that weird stuff out from nowhere. So possible time from onset should not matter at all, this thing is there much longer then you notice it.

Although there are some personal opinions that PHHD related symptoms tend to improve over time span of years-decade on it's own.

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  • 3 years later...
On 6/22/2014 at 7:20 AM, xspecm said:

Eu tomei algumas pílulas de lamotrigina, eu comecei com 50mg, agora eu estou em 200mg e os symthons vão embora !! Eu posso ver um céu azul limpo;)


Estou 100% curado, obrigada vcs por me ajudarem em tudo


Medicamentos que eu havia usado: sertralina, risperidona, torazina, olanzapina,  ginkgo biloba , ômega AZ, diazepam, clonazepam e, por último, lamotrigina, vertizina D e fluoxetina.


desculpe pelo meu inglês, sou brasileiro, mas estou muito feliz: DDDDD

Como foi isso amigo...? , Sou Brasileiro também!!!!  também... Vc conseguiu se curar 100%?  ou apenas sua visão foi melhorada? Lamotrigina funciona???


Obrigado pelo postar aguardo respostas 

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