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I don't think I have HPPD but I have some lasting visuals

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Hey all,

I wanted to ask for your opinions on something. This paragraph is just context for my question which you can feel free to ignore. About a month ago I took LSD, which I have done probably somewhere between 10 and 20 times. This time I did not plan on doing it but I was at a concert and my friend told me I had to be high for this band so I obliged. I've taken up to 400 micrograms before and this time I took just one 100 microgram hit. I had a great time at the show but afterwards I felt like I was fighting a bad trip the whole time, and at one point I felt like this was just going to be the way I thought from that point on. Luckily after hours of trying to get to sleep, I woke up in the morning no longer tripping.


The thing was, after going to sleep, I was still having some very mild visuals, like colored patterns that seemed to have no relation to what I was looking at. This usually happened to me when I took LSD but only for maybe a day or two after my trip. This time it lasted for a week or so. Then it seemed to taper off, but now it's been about two months and on some nights I will start seeing these patterns. It wasn't until recently that I began to read up on HPPD and what its symptoms are. I thought it was normal to have lasting visual effects from LSD but according to my friends I guess it isn't. Recently I started traveling by myself, which I have never done before and I am not used to being alone for such long periods of time, so I hesitate to attribute any feelings of anxiety or stress to HPPD or anything like that.

Basically my question is, does anyone who has HPPD or thinks they might have it see similar patterns to the ones you see while tripping in day to day life? http://i.imgur.com/fO2Sn37.png This is sort of a really rough representation of what I'm talking about. I read about the symptoms of HPPD and pretty much none of them mention stuff like this and mostly mention things like visual snow which I don't think I have. These patterns just appear for me occasionally, more often in the dark, and I think they might get worse when I drink alcohol (I've stopped doing LSD and I don't smoke weed anymore) but I don't drink enough to be sure of that. Does this sound like an HPPD symptom? Sorry for the long post to ask such a simple question. thanks :)

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I see color patterns especially in the dark.. They are like turquois blue and purples very bright they seem to intercept each other while moving around the objects that I see them on: wall, ceiling, bricks, floors, etc.. Always in the color blue, purple and green oddly to say..

Do u get afterimages at all?? Or feel like ur mildly tripping?? My visual snow or static vision is minor compared to other symptoms I get.. I strongly recommend for u not to do any psychedelics what so ever ur brain is telling u to stop so if I were u u better listen.. Take good care of urself and others.. Hppdfor24yearsnowintomy25!!

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Thanks a lot for your reply. It's hard to say whether I feel like I'm mildly tripping because ever since this started happening I've been in a foreign country so everything is new to me. The patterns I get are always red green and blue. Last time I did LSD I saw more patterns that had nothing to do with my surroundings compared to usual, where my visuals are primarily distortions. The patterns look the same as the ones I saw and there are specific images that keep reoccurring.  I usually don't see this listed as a symptom on places that describe HPPD, they mostly talk about visual snow and afterimages/floaters which I don't think I have. 


How did you get HPPD? Did you stop using all drugs and it still continued for 20+ years? I'm really terrified that might happen to me... Did it start immediately after a trip or was the onset delayed? What I get right now isn't too bad, it's annoying definitely and when the patterns start appearing it always makes me regret doing acid so many times but I can still read and everything perfectly fine. It's so hard to describe what's going on... I know it gets worse when I think about it but that's all I can do

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Ever since reading about HPPD and all the symptoms people have I always start to wonder if I have them and haven't noticed them or whatever and it sucks. With such a mental and largely self-diagnosed disorder reading about it can be so dangerous, yet I can't stop myself from constantly thinking about it even if it hasn't gotten too bad yet...

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It's just such a terrible time for this to happen too because I'm away from all my friends and family for the first time ever and I have no one to turn to for support, only my brain to feed these negative thoughts

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Been in your place man, moved halfway across the world right after it started to get outta hand. I recommend seeking professional help or something, it helped me a lot getting adjusted to both HPPD and provided some much needed support. It´ll get easier once you´ve gotten used to your new situation :)

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Been in your place man, moved halfway across the world right after it started to get outta hand. I recommend seeking professional help or something, it helped me a lot getting adjusted to both HPPD and provided some much needed support. It´ll get easier once you´ve gotten used to your new situation :)

Thanks :) I am not quite at the point where I'm going to seek professional help just yet, since it's only been going on for a month or so and hasn't yet gotten that bad (it isn't even a constant thing and the patterns are the only symptom), so I'm going to start taking some nootropics when I get home and see if my situation doesn't improve.

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I would like to say something. Just because there are specific hppd symptoms in a diagnostic criteria does not mean ur not suffering with hppd if u don't have the same symptoms.

I believe if you experience anything visually strange after taking a hallucinogenic then it's hppd. And what u said sounds like a visual problem from taking LSD.

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