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Can mould/damp wet walls aggravate hppd?

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I have come to realize that I can't tolerate any sort of mould and toxins or fungi...I have gotten my hair coloured twice since being in Brazil and the hair dye rlly aggravates my head like I start to feel a little bit sick and I can feel the toxins entering into my scalp.

Also another thing I've noticed is the mould and fungi on walls in a room I've been staying at....this rlly proves to me that hppd is some sort of chemical brain damage coz this isn't normal by no means to react this way.

Perhaps hppd is the result of being poisoned by chemicals/drugs in the brain or something

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Unless the mold or fungi is a psychoactive, stimulant, or anything of that sort I don't think it would cause any issues related to HPPD.


Also with the hair dye, are you talking about actual DYE or BLEACH.


Using hair dye/bleach is known to cause irritation to the scalp, but I wouldn't go so far as to say "there are toxins leaking into your scalp".

Yes, it can be itchy and irritating, but it kinda just burns the skin slightly if left on too long.

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Yeah, mold and what not increases my HPPD symtpoms. Or perhaps my HPPD has made me more sensitive to toxins.. who knows.


Look into biotoxins and similar things. Molds and the toxins from those (mycotoxins) wreak havoc on our bodies. Dave Asprey makes a killing off of the whole mycotoxins issue and it skews peoples perspective and they think it's b.s. because he markets all these products based off of being tested for mycotoxins. There's a lot of data behind it, though.


The best thing to do, though, is see if it effects YOU. 

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I would imagine it has something to do with trauma in a sense. I've had multiple, pretty severe concussions and head injuries, and that predisposes one to toxin accumulation in the brain via some mechanism that is not coming to mind at the moment. Yet, there are studies in which rodents when put through a very stressful event early in their life were less resistant to stress down the road, whether it was mental/emotional, or a toxin. So, for us HPPDer's, perhaps the events leading up to acquiring it/co-morbid disorders were akin to stressful events in those experiments and now we're merely less resistant to most things.


I know I'm more sensitive to other things, too, for instance, bright light, loud sounds, rapid changes of direction (which can become dizzying now), and more. 

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  • 4 years later...

Just got back from a trip in a rainy environment. My trailer suffered terrible water damage and mold accumulation. I've been cleaning it out the last few days and have noticed a pretty substantial increase in symptoms I haven't had in a while: tinnitus, dilated pupils, feeling disconnected from my bodily movements, snow, etc. The good news is I've recovered probably 80 percent and I've cleaned everything good and won't have to go in that trailer again, so I'm not too worried about longterm damage, however I'd be lying if I said I haven't been stressed the last few days seeing old symptoms appear that I haven't had in a while. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/17/2019 at 7:29 AM, K.B.Fante said:

Just got back from a trip in a rainy environment. My trailer suffered terrible water damage and mold accumulation. I've been cleaning it out the last few days and have noticed a pretty substantial increase in symptoms I haven't had in a while: tinnitus, dilated pupils, feeling disconnected from my bodily movements, snow, etc. The good news is I've recovered probably 80 percent and I've cleaned everything good and won't have to go in that trailer again, so I'm not too worried about longterm damage, however I'd be lying if I said I haven't been stressed the last few days seeing old symptoms appear that I haven't had in a while. 


Quick update: 

My symptoms have subsided the more I've stayed away from the mold however I'm still having what can only be describe as neurological allergic reactions whenever I'm near a spot where mold spores are prevalent. I immediately start itching, my eyes get dry, I get really weak and fatigued, but most important is that my HPPD symptoms all flare up pretty bad. Snow, tinnitus, palinopsia and depersonalization symptoms are all pretty intense, most of which I haven't really noticed in a good year or so given how much progress I've made with HPPD as a whole. 

Still, this has me thinking about the posts in this thread. It's clear that my brain and those of other HPPD sufferers is much more sensitive to toxins than is normal. My family is around the same stuff I am and they report no symptoms whatsoever, not even itching, dry eyes, headaches and other more common physiological symptoms associated with mold exposure. On the one hand it's easy to write this all off as my brain being extra sensitive to toxins as a result of HPPD, but given how severe my response is to this stuff I'm starting to wonder if there's something about my immune system in general that reacts differently to toxins independent of HPPD. In other words, I'm starting to wonder if HPPD is the result of a hyperactive, abnormal immune system response to drugs instead of simply being the side effect of a single drug exposure...

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