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Yesterdays mushroom experience

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Hey all,

I decided to try something yesterday which obviously by my title was mushrooms! Lol. Ok now before y'all jump me about how riskful that was I only did half a gram. I didn't trip much or anything just mild visuals and a awkward tugging feeling on my mentality for the first 2 hours. After the first 2 hours passed though I felt pretty good. My mental clarity came back, I wasn't paying much attention to any of my visuals(mainly where I look at things and my depth perception makes everything look like they are in layers and stuff is so real looking it doesn't look real) and I was able to communicate with friends and family easily. Ok so now it is today and I must say I feel pretty good, not as good as yesterday but better than the day before. I'm still not paying much attention to my vision and I feel more clear headed, like I am able to talk to people with ease. Hell I kind of want to just get out of my house and walk around and enjoy the weather since I am not working today which is a experience I though I may never enjoy again. I do not know how long this will last so I will take advantage of it while I can and do some stuff today.


Now I have been thinking more on this stuff. I have always wondered what a low dose of DMT would be like in brew form(ayahuasca). Not to where you trip or even close but just to clear your pathways and am now thinking about really giving it a go. If I can I will try to experiment with mushrooms first maybe 2x a month but they aren't so easy to come by here so if that possibility is out the window I may just try the ayahuasca which you can find all over the internet.


What got me really thinking about DMT again was the documentary "DMT - The Spirit Molecule" I watched for the second time yesterday. I figured most of us here are in the same boat which is why we started doing these substances in the first place and that was to find purpose in life or the meaning in it and I think DMT could be a powerful tool to help you find your way if used correctly. I do know no matter how careful you approach these things there could always be adverse effects but I do believe psilocybin or DMT(structurally similar) have the potential to do a lot of healing.


Any thoughts on this?


Thank you,


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What's going on Andrew. First off, I want to be clear, you have to be very careful with this shit man. I know you've heard this close to a million times before, but psychedelics and the such is what gave us hppd. I do think, however, these small amounts you're talking about could reverse the effects of hppd, or at least make them easier to deal with. Everybody has had that thought, "fight psychedelics with psychedelics", or at least I did, countless times. I just never had the balls to go through with it. I figure very small doses of psychedelics would be in essence the same as a vaccine. Take a little bit so the body can grow immune to it. I don't what depth of pseudoscience this is, but if you're down to do it, give it a shot, and keep us informed! At the very least, I think you may be right in the idea that this will clear your mind and help get you on the right path. But you need to keep taking very minuscule amounts. By that I mean MINISCULE. I really don't want to see you fuck up and take a little too much, and bring yourself back to square 1. You have to know your limits man, seriously. Don't ever take enough to trip, just enough so that the body recognizes what's going on. Please be safe in your endeavors man.

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Lol yeah it is dangerous and Jimmy is just letting me know!


This is why I am pushed more towards DMT since it is cheaper and easier to get. I really would like to do this everyday to build a tolerance and really feel zero kind of trip or anything from it. You know after a few days you are basically drinking it, getting the chemical but no trip or mind fuck(I think lol). I can definitely feel a difference today I am not as upbeat as I was yesterday which makes me believe there might be something to this. I'm going to give it a month to really think on it and if I feel like it is something I really want to do I will try my best to do ayahuasca everyday unless I see adverse effects. Will keep updated!

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