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baaaaaad day

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im sure there is a bad day thread somewhere but i can't find it. as you might have guessed im having a TERRIBLE DAY!!! i really considered myself hppdless for a very long time too, then i had an almighty hangover after works christmas do and my symptoms have been yo-yoing ever since. hopefully they will die down again but there is nothing worse than knowing how close to freedom i was and the idea that i seem to be on the way to becoming a total mess again. BLARG

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..  yeah thanks jimmy for your helpful kind words, i am aware it wasn't a good idea OBVIOUSLY. if you haven't got anything nice to say then say nothing at all :). i like to hope that on this message board i would receive no judgement for my actions, what with most people here abusing drink at drugs at some point. 


and thanks guys i am sure it will get better again and i wont be making that mistake again!

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Iif you haven't got anything nice to say then say nothing at all :). i like to hope that on this message board i would receive no judgement for my actions.

I like to think of it a bit like a family :P I mean, if you do something stupid or something detrimental to your own health, you expect your family to offer their honest opinion as well as comfort you. A bit of both is good, I think :) 


Anyway, I'm sure brighter times lie ahead!

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Hey Alice, I feel ya on the mistakes, and it's okay.

I find myself feeling better somedays and then drink too much and end up feeling dissociated and having visuals much worse in the following days.

I always feel much better when I remain entirely sober. Like MUCH better. I feel free.

We are only human, we make mistakes.

Don't feel bad, and don't stress over it.

Both of those are super important for recovery =)

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Sorry Alice, but I say it like I see buddy.!

No judgement for your actions.....?

Ok, next time you do something stupid ill bake you a cake and tell you good work!!

Maybe next time you think about getting drunk you will remember that dick jimmyb84 who gave you a serve last time and you will stop yourself.

Honesty always best policy

I'm nasty cause i give a shit about you!

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