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Just as I suspected

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I stumbled upon an interesting blog recently. This blog is run by a gentleman who researches psychedelics of all kinds, from classics to more exotic flavors that have little to no history of human use. That's pretty brave, if not slightly reckless if you ask me. Anyway, this guys seems to do these drugs extremely frequently and then reviews them on his blog. He was asked recently by a reader if he has HPPD. Well heres a link to the page ;




So what I conclude is that HPPD is in the nature of psychedelics. I feel that if you use them often you will inevitabley change your brain chemistry for better or for worse. Now the important thing here is that many of us who do experience HPPD grow anxious from it. When you couple anxiety with HPPD you will have all sorts of co-morbid issues. Just as I suspected , the depression, the DP/DR, head pressure, etc are extrememly common with anxiety related disorders such as PTSD. Soooo I do believe that with treating this issue its much more vital to attck the anxiety. If you can treat the anxiety , your HPPD will become something that you don't even notice anymore. I know thas a hard pill to swallow bc many "just want the visuals to stop!!!". Well my HPPD did not let up until I became anxiety free. Then I was able to clearly see how my visual phenomena was slowly getting better. Just some info I thought Id throw at you.

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To be honest, I don't think he has any better mindset in dealing with the problem... I just think he has a very mild case (for now). The level of hppd that I consider myself to have, there is simply no escaping the feeling of being mentally and physically ill.


I do, however, agree that combatting the anxiety and the self blame is the biggest step to getting a better life.

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yeah i agree, tackle the anxiety and you've stopped the vicious cycle there, i get the feeling of anxiety before any visuals kick in for me, it triggers them, theyre linked in my head. i can be anxious about work of friends and that feeling triggers visuals, which in turn more anxiety. the rest of my symptoms barely bother me. trails and halos arent nearly as distressing as being anxious :P

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I know just from talking to my friends that it seem a few people mite have mild visual symptoms. None of them know I have HPPD as i try to keep quite about it. One time when I was out with one of my mates there was this bright blue LED sign. To me it was the same old story of halos all around it and just not being able to focus on it. My mate mentioned how hard it was to focus on it. Another time I was told a friend at the movies said he was going to have to leave if the bright blue screen didn't stop soon as it was giving him visuals. Another time one of my friends was telling me if she had coke the next day she would see sparks in the sky. All are drug users. Maybe these people don't worry about it too much so it doesn't effect them as much?

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yeah if you read whats contained in the link you will see that the guy that runs the blogs says all "his peers" have hppd, but they indeed don't seem to let it bother them. This was back in 2011 and this guy obviously still uses exotic psychedelics because he always updating his blog with reviews of substances that he indulges in.

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