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9 members have voted

  1. 1. Phenethylamines (2C-x, DOx, NBOMe)

    • I have taken phenethylamine psychedelics, and they contributed the most to my HPPD.
    • I have not taken phenethylamine psychedelics.
    • I have taken phenethylamine psychedelics, but they did not contribute the most to my HPPD.
  2. 2. Tryptamines (not including LSD) - Mushrooms, tryptamine RCs, DMT, etc

    • I have taken tryptamine psychedelics, and they contributed the most to my HPPD.
    • I have not taken tryptamine psychedelics.
    • I have taken tryptamine psychedelics, but they did not contribute the most to my HPPD.
  3. 3. Other drugs (LSD, MDMA, Ibogaine, ... )

    • I have taken other drugs, and they contributed the most to my HPPD.
    • I have not taken other drugs.
    • I have taken other drugs, but they did not contribute the most to my HPPD.

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I'm interested in hearing which class of drugs are more likely to cause/aggravate HPPD in those who take them, as well as which drugs have caused/aggravated the highest number of cases of HPPD - I hope you follow me, the distinction is a bit tricky :P

Anyway, please answer the best you can :) The choices are all of the form

"I took drug X and it was the worst"

"I never took drug X"


"I took drug X but other drugs were more detrimental"


ps. I know that it is a bit strange that LSD, MDMA etc are lumped together in one category - however I was only allowed to put 3 questions in the poll.


So, just to clarify: One should only choose one of the options of the form "I took drug X and it was the worst", for obvious reasons.

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Mushrooms was the worst psychoso drugs. It was 15 years ago though but i was the most in panick because i totally didnt know what was happening i took 2 bags instead of 1 thinking it didnt work.

I felt like my nose felt of and people with caps and had long hair i thought it was a hairy face.. it was crazy.

Mdma + speed gave me the fullblown hppd.. mdma also was the best feeling i got from any drug

Never took heroine.

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LaizzesFaire: Fair enough :) If you ever come to any conclusion, feel free to cast a vote later on!

The statistics are already looking interesting, but we need more votes. Perhaps the usefulness is a bit hampered by there being only three categories. I would have loved to have had separate categories for empathogens, ergolines (LSD etc.), atypical psychedelics (ibogaine, salvia, ...) and dissociatives. The number of categories is, however, limited to 3 on this forum, for some reason.

Oh, and perhaps I should add that mescaline and mescaline containing cacti belong in the phenethylamine category :) .

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think cannibinoids are a huge contributory group, just from anecdotal reports from friends. Its too bad the poll only allows three. I believe LSD had the most effect visually. mushrooms had little to no effect, in fact I feel they may have contributed to my recovery (but I cant recommend this)...Mescaline and phens had some effect as well but somewhere in between lsd and mushrooms. perhaps psilocin is more familiar to the brain/body because of its eerily similar structure to DMT, which as scinetific studies show is endogenous to the pineal gland.


PS I have read reports from different people that mushrooms and compounds such as 4-aco-dmt have helped or improved others psychological states. Its worth researching.

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