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Haven't heard this mentioned. Anyone tried it?


Vortioxetine is a so-called "serotonin modulator and stimulator".[18] It has been shown to possess the following pharmacological actions:[19][20][1]

Vortioxetine also has affinity for the β1-adrenergic receptor (Ki = 46 nM), though any actions at this site are unlikely to contribute to its therapeutic effects and likely only to contribute to side effects.[19]

It has also been shown that vortioxetine increases extracellular levels of acetylcholine and histamine in the rat medial prefrontal cortex following contextual fear conditioning and may be useful in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.[17]





Sounds interesting to me. What do you think?

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Ahh yes this is an interesting one indeed.

I've recommended it to someone with DP as an adjunct to his Phenelzine, because he gets alleviation from his symptoms from marijuana oddly enough. I suspected this to be due to the 5ht1a agonism of CBD.. If he ends up trying it, I'll be sure to ask him to make a post I can link.

Not digging the NERT blocking too much though, although I forgot how to judge potencies from those numbers.

I would try it, had I not been busy with many other approaches. But I wouldn't expect too much from it aside from perhaps non-sedating anxiolysis, perhaps slight nootropic and eugeroic effects.

I'd say give it a whirl if you're not trying anything else currently. Are you planning to?

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Not digging the NERT blocking too much though, although I forgot how to judge potencies from those numbers.

Lower Ki means higher affinity. Potency is proportional to affinity.

I would try it, had I not been busy with many other approaches. But I wouldn't expect too much from it aside from perhaps non-sedating anxiolysis.

Which in itself would be pretty useful for many of us :-)

Does it posses no direct effect on 5HT2A-receptors (when I say 'direct', I mean apart from the SERT blocking)?

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Anyone try this?

My cognitive function is at an all time low. I can barley hold a conversation. Memory is fucking trashed and my anxiety is off the rails.

Do all SSRIS cause visuals to worsen no matter what?

That desipramine really set me back can't afford to have shit get worse

There's one guy on YouTube who said this stuff greatly improved his DPDR as did another guy on the dpselfhelp forum

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