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Why Tinnitus from HPPD?

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I don't know the answer to this question but I find it interesting that video feedback loops can cause a scrambled, snowy picture on cheaper/older displays and audio feedback loops cause high-pitched ringing.  Two common HPPD symptoms are snowy vision and ringing ears.  Almost like the brain is caught in a feedback loop.  Not sure what to make of that information but it's trippy to think about.

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I don't know the answer to this question but I find it interesting that video feedback loops can cause a scrambled, snowy picture on cheaper/older displays and audio feedback loops cause high-pitched ringing.  Two common HPPD symptoms are snowy vision and ringing ears.  Almost like the brain is caught in a feedback loop.  Not sure what to make of that information but it's trippy to think about.

Interesting observation.

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That's crazy, before I knew about hppd I always thought that there was a weird correlation between the t.v. and hppd. I caught both tinnitus and visual snow from my psychedelic slide into a sanctuary of sediment.. My ears will ring noticeably when I turn on the boob tube. I use to go into the bathroom and my girlfriend would turn it off, on, off, on which I can't see her doing it but could tell her when it was turned off or on with a 100% accuracy rate.

I remember years ago when flicking through the channels of my television late at night I would bump into the static channel which emitted a horrible tone on the ear drums but man did it ever simulate my symptoms. Hey maybe it is closely related to the audio/visual feedback loop to our brains department that is affected from the residue as a constant reflex going back and forth like a ping pong game. That is probably why our perception is not quite normal because there is a gap between the lines. Lots of love hppd sufferers!!

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