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Ok so tonight I am just had it with this hppd shit so I decided to revisit the drawing board and down some sinemet and keppra together as my hpopd is so bad I almost cant see from the visuals especially the haze, so here goes over the last hour ive taken:


3 x 100/25mg pills of sinemet

and 750mg of keppra


if im gonna notice any effects its gonna be tonight otherwise im done with these two speculative meds!


first of started of with the sinemet took it 30 mins apart from keppra to give it a run by itself ran all my own visual baseline test after 30 to 40 mins it has done nothing of notice on its own SHIT!


ok time to add the keppra I know take 750mg straight of keppra which is a high dose for me and now I wait 2 hours will they do something together heres hoping.


ok two hours have passed what have I noticed first of the sinemet on its own =nothing actually made my stomach kinda hurt and seamed to make my depth perception worse!


now combined with the kepra something is happenijng its niot placebo vision is crisped more hd but visuals and fog still very much present ability to arrange my thoughts a little easier light adjustment still not good and damn my kidneys are hurting so bad damn keppra why must you be excreated through the kidneys drinking a lot of water now!.


time to go out now and run some final tests and present findings of this stupid desperate study :


ok conclusion these drugs for me have no real immediate effects for me like clono after three hours sinemet has done nothing and keppra is doing so crisping of my vision but in the short term its hurting my kidneys so bad I wish I never took it I feel quite speedy on the keppra sinemet combo visuals have changed by 20 percent but side effects outweigh any small gains still feel hppded up the tree and still tripping balls yet I am more focused and visuals have definatleychanged and my focus is much better though process wise but man my kidneys are in real pain!!! I can see for those who can tolerate it how keppra may be of some benefit in the long run but short term its to me of no use, so there you have it guys that's my stupid trial out of desperation for the night obviously my body cannot take keppra as its to taxing on my kidneys im not sure if a low dose of 100mg over some ime would be usefull either.


damn only one thing left to do go to bed!


pps: does anyone know what happened to all those people who had succsess on "{Trileptal "before everyone started raving about keppra has anyone had succsess on trileptal and is there a drug similar to keppra not excreated viua the kidneys or not so harsh that might hwelp calling all neuros out there.





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Wow ... that was a rough test.


First time with Sinemet can give you a little nausea.  But 3 pills at once ... ouch.  That much carbidopa is administered as a daily dose, not single dose.


Have you had kidney problem before?  The Chinese are the best for treating kidney.  If you can find a 'Master Healer' there, you might find help.  Otherwise there is water, asparigus, cranberries, rehmannia root, joe pie herb, and horsetail herb.


Doesn't sound like these meds work for you, at least in this fashion.  Have you tried Klonopin?

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f@$%&K woke up this morning and I feel retarted sinemet has messed up my brain more than smoking weed how this works for others I have no idea I have nothing positive to say who does this work for anyway is it only visual sinemet works for if so whats all the fuss this shit is horrible glad I have some clonoon hand ginna need it now just to get through the day!


sick. chris.

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f@$%&K woke up this morning and I feel retarted sinemet has messed up my brain more than smoking weed how this works for others I have no idea I have nothing positive to say who does this work for anyway is it only visual sinemet works for if so whats all the fuss this shit is horrible glad I have some clonoon hand ginna need it now just to get through the day!


sick. chris.


Have you every tried Keppra before?  750mg as a first does is not a fun experience.


If I took 3 Sinemet + 750mg Keppra, I'd be sick.  But it would clear in a few days, with Keppra being the main problem.


Your kidney pain is reveling.  You may have detoxification weaknesses that could have contributed to your condition in the first place.

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Yeah tried keppra many times and don't suggest anyone do what I did with those two medicaions very stupid having said that the main acion of keppra is its exctraction via the kidneys and yes mine have taken a beating over the years so  the extra LOAD ON THE KIDNEYS I PERSONALLY CANNOT HANDLE HAVING SAID THAT I  sorry caps , I believe that sinemet doies nothing positive for this condition I had to take a lot of clonazepame just to come back to baseline hppd so whatever it does for you that's great but its rubbish for  me.

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