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Which Vitamine-B should i go for?

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Since i respond well to...everything as much as i get bad reaktions from anything, i might wanna check out some Vitamine B.

A lot of people here hade some success but there are many types, b5 b6 and b12 seem to be the ones i read about.

Which one is most benificial for HPPD in theory and what are your experiences with different B-vitamines? I somehow got the idea that B12 is the one but dont know.

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Uhh, any reason you wouldn't just go for a B-Complex? There's no reason to just take one, your body needs all the B-group vitamins. Mega-dosing of individual B's tends to be reserved for particular conditions, illnesses, to supplement deficiencies from certain medications or diets, etc. AFAIK. B12 is a very common deficiency and it's very difficult to get too much so get that at minimum. Make sure you get methylcobalamin though - most supplements contain cyanocobalamin which has very poor bioavailability.

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I'll be running trials in the future with different forms of different B-vitamins, particularly sublingual, and, perhaps IV. Theoretically, niacinamide and thiame should help a lot - there is a private forum with an emphasis on peptides (of all sorts - bodybuilding, neurotrophic, etc.) that has a BUNCH of in depth analyses of how to use different B-vit's. Niacinamide, without delving into all the scientific minutia, can potentially act similar to a benzo, and has been used in Russia/Eastern Europe to wane off of benzo's. It has a variety of benefits to the system on the whole (thinking of serotonin, prolactin, etc.); both thiamine and niacinamide can be taken in large doses without negative effects. That's not to say you should instantly do that - always start as low as possible to rule out adverse reactions. There is a large in depth textbook of sorts that delves into niacinamide for anxiety and psychiatric disorders and doses up to 9,000mg/day were used. You my get effects from as little as 100-1000mg, though.

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The reason why I am a bit confusednis that b6 made my symptoms worse. I read later on that it affects serotonin. But a good idea is probably to donwhat syntheso says. I'll start with B12 and i am all about mega dosing :)



That`s interesting Merkan because too much vitamin B would make me really depressed. Idk which one specifically because I would take a B 100-complex but I stopped taking it.

Perhaps, then, you are histapenics (over-methylators) i.e low histamine levels. You could check doing a niacin flush test yourself, to get an idea. Might be useful to know. 

Remember, it is difficult to separate exactly what symptoms are specific to HPPD, especially more general ones (i.e 'feeling shit'). When I started correcting my histamine levels (in my case, histadelia), I started having an overall better sense of well-being, which made my whole 'HPPD' seem better. I have wondered if HPPD involves histamine imbalances or if histamine imbalance is a co-morbid disorder. Histamine imbalances are known to produce psychiatric symptoms. Carl Pfeiffer's book Nutrition and Mental Illness explores this. 

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The reason why I am a bit confusednis that b6 made my symptoms worse. I read later on that it affects serotonin. But a good idea is probably to donwhat syntheso says. I'll start with B12 and i am all about mega dosing :)


It isn't unusal to experience weird things from taking large doses of a single B vitamin.


B6 is often needed for Keppra


For B12, try the 'nerve tonic' thing I posted elsewhere.

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CHEMICALLY speaking the normal multi b vitamins you but in complex are all bull shit synthetic rubbish ! to really get the right b vitamin and know the right dose you have to go through them individually and then find the best form otherwise your wasting your money on something that doesn't work! better to have one proper b vitamin for example methyl-cvnocobalmamin than regular cynocobalmamin there is a vast difference between then especially folic acid which is toxic and is in every bullshit b complex out there I did find a bottle made buy / cant remember it was on I herb they got the closest you do the reaserch start by reading dr.mercola's material and others if you really give a shit and yeah beside being on kepppra the b6 sold as pyrioxodine-5-phosphate or whatever it is cant be bother checking its no good for you and will give you a head ache just google the best food sorce containing the most b;s and pop that.

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