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Hey all, hope everyone is well.

I have been prescribed Gabapentin, 300mg 3x a day to start off with. I just took my first pill today and feel amazing. A little 'drunk' and out of it but the doctor said this would happen and would subside soon.


This is the best medication I have taken for HPPD, even better than Benzo's. I don't want to Jynx it but my DP/DR seems to be about 80% gone, and visuals are none existent aside from some VERY thin and mild static.


I had no idea this would work so well. I feel amazing, my emotions are back and I am anxiety free, totally relaxed, in a brilliant mood and yet still focused and motivated for the first time in a while.


Just wanted to check in and let everyone know! Anyone else had any success with Neurontin/Gabapentin?

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Been taking Gabapentin for 4 years now.  It doen't help my visuals but helps other stuff typically found with HPPD.  So people use it to help with Klonopin withdrawals.


Yours is the first report about it helping visuals so much.  Bravo!!!


Have you ever tried Klonopin?

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Yes I've tried Klonopin and various other Benzos, they were all effective except Xanax but definitely not as effective as Neurontin, still going strong on the Gabapentin and feeling great!

Only downside has been some side effects of an intimate nature which I hope will pass.

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The effects of Gabapentin are usually gone the next day, I have a buddy who felt it 4 days in a row though so idk how long he could have felt the effects. By effects I mean high or w.e. but regardless Gabapentin is my favorite medicine thus far. I have tried Lyrica and I don't like it as much as Gabapentin it did nothing for me. Gabapentin is the best for benzo or opioid w/d too! Are you using for anxiety or what? I took 3.3g my first time taking it boy was I flying! haha. Taking 600mg 3x a day doctor wants me to go to 800mg 3x a day, in my experience really 300mg 3x a day is no different than 600 or 900mg 3x a day. Well good luck!


Thank you,


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Yeah the initial 'high' effects are definitely wearing off now, I'm still feeling the same positive benefits however, but I notice it wearing off inbetween doses so I want to increase to 4x per day and increase my dose to 600mg.

It was just a medication I wanted to try, yes anxiety was a part of the decision but another was an alternative to Benzos, and it's working well, it kind of feels like a Benzo.

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Hell yea I was taking 30mg valium daily for almost 2 years and I quit the first day I started Gabapentin, I know this still isnt safe I was just done with benzos and Gaba made it a lot easier. For me Gaba works but after a few days of being on it, it feels like it is doing nothing, but if you quit you will be able to tell it was working because you will start to be feeling worse so it def doing something just subtle, but I think subtle is key! Good luck!

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It kinda stopped my symptoms from progressing. But now it doesn't seem to do much for me. Also note that the danger of dependence is very real.


And I would be careful with mixing it as well. I mixed it with a couple tramadols a few weeks ago and had some weird muscle twitches. 

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