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Magnesium dosage

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Hey guys just picked up 500mg pills of magnesium. Couple questions before I take them. What dosage do some of you take and what's safe? Does magnesium interact or stop with other medications? I'm on clonazepam and I also just found out I have walking pneumonia so didn't know if it works badly with antibiotics or not. My depersonalization is getting really bad and read a few people that said magnesium helped with that and the brain fog etc.

Does it work by itself or do I need to get the vitamin B for it to help?


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It will work on its own. But you should use a b 12 complex too. Just good take.

I don't know exactly how much of the mag but I mix half a teaspoon with water every morning and I have noticed a difference.

It won't interact with anything you're taking. Well it did when I was taking keppra but that's only because the keppra really messed with my stomach.

You'll know you've taken too much mag when you have to run to the toilet. 500mg should be fine tho

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Watch out for the BS kind. I only know that citrate and lactate are great but some kinds thats being sold isnt absorbed. 500mg is a good dose btw. Remember that your stomache need to adjust in the beginning. Good to have a toilet nearby. Goes away in a couple of days

Mg is one of the few sups that really work for me, my experience with otc sups is go big or go home when it comes to the dose. Of course you shouldnt take toxic doses, google might help you with that.

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I take that 500 mg pill^^ in the morning every and It has reduced my visuals by about 25%. It definitely makes my stomache hurt though.

Good to hear. Visuals would be nice biggest is the depersonalization factors. Still waiting on the pneumonia to clear up and my stomach always seems to hurt anyways lol

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Well just started it today. Probably just me worrying to much but I feel real edgy today sort of like twitching maybe? Not sure how to explain it. Doubt it does anything in one day though

For anyone who has taken it have you noticed an increase in anything? I haven't seen anything so I'm not to worried but don't want an uptick in snow/after images etc. why I stopped the lamictal

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no way bro I have taken everything under the sun pharma and non pharma in 15 years with this condition and magnesium is good and very very safe especially at 500mg doses just drink plenty of water and if you are taking the citrate version just be ready to make some extra visits to the toilet I take it before bed as it helps me sleep some may try to use it during the day I don't know if its any good in treating hppd associated anxiety but its very safe it will not increase visuals or dp/dr but then again everyone is different it shouldn't of all the rubbish supplements mag is a good and safe one for hppd imho.



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its pretty effective but like anything you do build up a mild tolerance so just cycle it I don't take it every night just evry now and then and then have a break its very safe stuff you don't need to be going above 1000mg the normal dose of 300mg to 500mg is enough to help sleep and correct any deficiencies it works well with zinc although I don't take it with zinc all the time a lot of elements and vitamins work synergistically so you need to find out which forms are the best and most bioavailable and don't get supps with silconcond dioxside as a filler dangerous stuff .

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