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I just ordered me 40g of this stuff, I will be using it with my Picamilon. I know this thing is like 50/50 it seems, either you like it or you don't. There are a lot of people who say it is addictive, some of these people make it out to seem like the worst addiction one can have which I just believe this is coming from people who have never had any other addiction. Does anyone here us this on a daily basis? I will be using it at a low dose, probably 500 to 750mg daily.


I would like to know from people who have tried this how do they like it? I used 30mg valium daily for 2 years and it has now been a tad over 2 months since I have been off of them, how does this compare to benzos?


Thank you,


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 My 100 grams of Phenibut F.A.A. from Liftmode came in on Friday. I have a few questions about it. Is Liftmodes Phenibut crappy? I took 2 grams sublingually today, 1 gram yesterday and on Friday, my first day taking it, I snorted .5 grams and used .5 grams sublingually all at once and I haven't felt much from any of my uses. I have been off my valims(30mg daily for 2 years) for only like 3 months now maybe a tad longer and idk if the short time I have been off them has done much. But at the same time Phenibut doesn't act on the same receptors or not as much as a benzo to my understanding so I don't see why that would matter unless Phenibut does act on the same receptors to some degree. Regardless I could eat this stuff like food and nothing would happen. It helps with sleep somewhat but no more then benadryl. Is Lifemodes Phenibut BS or am I missing something?


Thank you,


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