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the bad day club


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just putting this out there .. probably mostly because im riding the tail end of a series of bad days myself.. but i was thinking it could be helpful for us here who have some really bad days (series of days..etc..)  if we could set up a kind of emergency support group.. like if anyone is interested, share contact info in private among a group of us where if one of us is having a bad time dealing we could get ahold of someone else in the group just to have someone to talk it out with. sometimes friends and family are no help at all and i lose sight of any kind of positivity because i have nobody who can relate to how low im feeling.. and those moments are the ones that are most dangerous to people who experience frequent..ermm.. suicidal thoughts and shit.. even just knowing you have someone you can talk to can help as much as actually talking to them.


anyways, i dont know how much traction this idea would have, but im putting it out there because i know there were times it could have helped me get out of a funk sooner. if anyone is interested, before we share any contact info let's see how much interest we have and see if we can set up a good way to handle it.. i figure something like this is also helpful, if we know one of us is having a hard time, and all of a sudden drops of the face of the earth, we have ways of contacting each other to try to reach out to them before something bad comes out of it..


anyways let me know what you guys think.

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I think that would be awesome, I'd love to get someone's contact info just so whenever you're having a shit time of it you could fire over a text and just talk to someone who really knows what you're going through

I'm in England though and I believe most of the forum members are either in the Americas, Australia or Continental Europe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd probably be interested. There's something nice about having someone to talk to in real time who knows exactly what you're going through; everyone else I know is about 5000x more happy and functional than I am and it makes it very difficult to feel like you're on the same page about anything. Forum interaction is convenient but very detached; most things posted are to a general audience, deal specifically with HPPD and related issues, and are thoroughly filtered and edited. Makes it difficult to feel the warmth of human-to-human interaction and whatnot.


That said, I don't think having HPPD isn't quite enough for two people to get along... If anything it might make conflicting personalities clash even more! Guess we'll see how we go though, ha.


Feel free to add my Skype: rockuran. Maybe I'll finally have a reason to use it once in a while :P


Also, really sorry to hear that Alice :(. Can I ask to what extent you feel your symptoms had remissed, and which ones have flared back up? At any rate, it's nice to see an old face around here - if only it were under better circumstances.

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The anxiety is the main concern, and the weird feeling that my tongue has disappeared/blended into my teeth. That was always an odd one and not very common :P

Plus then afew of the usual acid style wiggly lines and palinopsia, trails, starbursts :/ 

It's not the end of the world though it's fairly mild right now it just scared the shit out of me for afew days haha. 

Hope you're all good!

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