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Possible cure in the future?


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Hey guys I stumbled upon this article and just wanted to share it:


Ray Kurzweil is a futurist who has been so far very accurate with his predictions.

Maybe this device would send signals to the brain to stop visual abnormalities?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not trying to burst any bubbles here but I didn't see anything pertaining to hppd cures on any of these hyper links posted?? Maybe it is more of an indirect notion of hppd cures?? Neurological disorders? It's kind of broadly blown wide open I can't quite depict the details. Then again I just found out in the last 2 months my hppd diagnoses. I have all the symptoms from it but did not see anything specifically geared to them on the links.. Scary shit when u never see H.P.P.D. in any Scientific Research Faculties type sites.. Hppd24years going on 25.

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The link I posted deals directly with resetting neurons that experiencing excitation be it under or over. How could this not be directly related to HPPD?!

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I think all that he's saying is it doesn't mention hppd directly in the article. Maybe that's causing the confusion. There will probably never be a cure that was directly made for hppd. It will have to be something else by coincidence or modified a little. Just like the links that you have posted. Will be interesting to follow for sure

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The videos relate to schizophrenia which is a mental disorder so is hppd related to that?? That's like comparing apples to rhinos. We don't really know what specific areas of the brain this disorder stems from or the offsets of origins. Anyways if we did I think we would be talking specific not pacific that is the problem with the progression to finding a cure or antidote to this disorder or disease. I see a lot of regurgitated copied theories and quotes everyone talking like doctors from the info they read including myself. I would like to see more detailing to what exact neurological areas or other type areas that are effected not theories we should not accept this like the cure and pharmaceuticals are not the cure but just a monthly customer.. Hppd24years..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hope, hope, hope ur boat gently down the stream..

Merely, merely, merely, merely coincidentally the symptoms and the cure for h.p.p.d. are related to a dream. What an oxymoron!!!

Come on everyone.. Fallow the bouncing ball.. ⚾⚾⚾⚾.. Are you ready?? Take it from the top..

Hope, hope, hope ur boat gently down the stream..

Merely, merely, merely, merely deep inside all h.p.p.ders want to frickn SCREAM!!!


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HDAC2 inhibitors.. I knew of one but can't remember which it is.. I'll try to look it up. Was it C16 maybe? Or was it GEBR-7B? One of those maybe.
For PTSD-esque fear extinction I'd say NMDA agonism as well as neurogenesis a la 7,8-DHF. I'm kind of low on funds right now, but I'll be trying 7,8-DHF soon as I can afford it.

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