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Can I see energy/static?


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This is going to sound quite bizarre, but in my field of vision, I can see, which I can best describe as static/noise/particles/energy etc wherever I look, but depending on what I like at, the stronger and more intense it is.. For example if I look at some reflective metal or a mirror, its not there at all.


Recently, I was looking at train tracks as the trains were nearing, and it was extremely intense, almost as if I could see the energy from it or something, I could still see the track perfectly clearly, it wasn't blurred or anything, but I saw 'energy' or coming from it. 


Its not floaters as i've heard about that and I don't get flashes or see dark spots etc. I don't wear glasses, and have had my eyes tested when I was about 13 and it was all fine apparently. I  don't do drugs and my vision is perfectly clear but if I really try, I can see this thing I have described. I've had this as early as I can remember but only recently i've been able to describe what I'm seeing. 


Many thanks,



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This is going to sound quite bizarre, but in my field of vision, I can see, which I can best describe as static/noise/particles/energy etc wherever I look, but depending on what I like at, the stronger and more intense it is.. For example if I look at some reflective metal or a mirror, its not there at all.
Recently, I was looking at train tracks as the trains were nearing, and it was extremely intense, almost as if I could see the energy from it or something, I could still see the track perfectly clearly, it wasn't blurred or anything, but I saw 'energy' or coming from it. 
Its not floaters as i've heard about that and I don't get flashes or see dark spots etc. I don't wear glasses, and have had my eyes tested when I was about 13 and it was all fine apparently. I  don't do drugs and my vision is perfectly clear but if I really try, I can see this thing I have described. I've had this as early as I can remember but only recently i've been able to describe what I'm seeing. 
Many thanks,


I should have said, could any explain what this may be or if they have something similar. Accidentally left that part out sorry. Thank you!

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I've thought along the same lines as you what if im seeing atoms or particles or energy and im just one of the few who can? This is wrong however its more like a camera you take a picture in the dark it has Visual Snow or 'grain' in the black, naturally I think everyone has this to some degree but our mind acts as a filter and sometimes our filter just isn't very effective especially in dark enviroments.

If we were seeing energy that'd be cool though.

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