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Nervous System

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Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone found something that kind of mellowed out their nerves. It feels like my nervous system is overactive for no reason. Its as if my nerves are being constantly stimulated or something. I learned to keep my depression and anxiety under control but even with that it feels like I`m about to hyperventilate or start slightly shaking although I never do. I fidget way more than I ever did.

Meditation helps but I obviously can`t meditate at work or when I`m talking to people lol. Is there anything that helped others?

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Na they gave me propolol or something for anxiety did nothing for me, my doctor said you can take them like candy basically but I stopped. Maybe you are having some very small panic attacks? My buddy takes xanax and likes his blood pressure pills he takes with them called metaolol or methaolol or some crap lol

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Well I was having moderately severe panic and anxiety attacks before but I just don`t feed into them anymore so they went away for the most part. Xanax does help but I don`t want to get addicted to them because I have a history with really liking pills lol. Ever since the onset of HPPD it feels like my nervous system is overactive. It does calm down when I relax and just stare off into space but thats when my visuals increase so I try to avoid that lol.

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Well it always feels like there is a lot of activity going on in my brain and usually in the same parts of it too. I feel like its highly interconnected with my HPPD. If it would go away I think I would go back to normal by at least 90%. But besides that it feels like the rest of my body is overstimulated in general (less neck and torso, more legs and arms). Also a lot of the time my heart is beating fast.

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Yep, i have this. I dont think its really due to anxiety because When I have mild anxiety I know it is anxiety. But even the anxiety i blame it on an over-active brain which is basically somewhat our understanding of hppd. I've had 2 instances of mild anxiety since hppd and it really is random. both times it lasted about 2-3 weeks. 


If you think about it, if benzos help our visual symptoms of hppd AND anxiety, just maybe, its possible that our hppd-ed brain causes visuals AND anxiety as a over-excited brain problem rather than our a sub/conscious worrying type of anxiety. 


Recently, for about a month, I feel that my body always needs stretching, kind of like ive had a glass of wine. Wooshka, what makes you ask about forearms? because i think that is one of the more noticable areas with this sensation.


When I lie down to sleep, i do notice and feel that my body kind of wants to fidget, like its about to start shaking. This sensation is sort of helped if i lay on my side vs. laying flat on the back. I think it helps because the weight sensation of laying on side helps to mask it.


When I take a nap and only from naps vs. night sleep, I get INTERNAL(never actually shaking) shakes when I wake up. I also feel really shitty(fuck life kind of shitty) for the first few minutes of waking up from a nap.


Another thing related to nerves are electrical zap sensations i get it once a day or two. It basically feels like, you know those clicker lighters, if you disassemble one you can zap your self with the clicker, yea that feeling. 


Since ive rambled about some of the symptoms ive had, a new recent one ive had for about a month now is pressure in ears. Everytime i swallow it kind of crackles but i can never relieve it through the classical blow on blocked nose method. Also feels like the upper mouth/nose area is stuffy.  anyone else get this?


I had high blood pressure but only when i had the head pressure and anxiety at the onset of hppd. It was at 140/?? (i forget) but my recent measure was 110 ish. I was prescribed xanax 0.125mg and propranolol but i decided against meds so i cant tell you about the effects. the two times ive taken only xanax, it didnt really have any noticable effect. probably due to the low dosage. 

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etardguy, this is where my main sense of uncomfortable/rushing/over stimulated feelings come from. Basically my forearms, it's quite irritating as my arms never feel relaxed, like as if the muscles have been over used, but they haven't. And I have to like twist my arms or bend my wrists up for a moment of relief, then it comes back.

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