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unnecessary Keppra anyone?

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Hi, In my country is still impossible to get Keppra prescription, I'm trying to get it for about 3 years with no results. I read in this forum many of posts that keppra didn't help some of you. So if anyone have unnecessary Keppra left I will be very grateful if you can sell it to me. I really want to try but I'm powerless. Peace

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Siema Stary, kopę lat, jak tam żyjesz?  :) 

Co do tematu, to ja też próbuję dostać Kepprę, albo chociaż Sinemet, ale ni chuja - każdy lekarz ma mnie w dupie, pierdolą głupoty, że to tylko wina lęku, przypisują SSRI i czasami alprazolam, mówią, że jak lęk przejdzie, to znikną powidoki, śnieg optyczny etc  :blink: 

Powoli się godzę, że będę musiał z tym żyć, na imprezy zamiast alkoholu mam zamiar przerzucić się na GBL/GHB, czasami tylko kilka piwek, zamiast THC zaopatrzę się w dużo CBD, do tego klonazepam na sytuacje kryzysowe i na kaca. U mnie HPPD stoi w miejscu, oprócz palinopsji (ja już nie mam powidoków, tylko klatkowanie obrazu), a dp/dr, śnieg optyczny, oddychanie przedmiotów, starburst itp. stoją w miejscu, czasami mały wzrost objawów na kacu.

Po sylwestrze chyba spróbuję z Citalopramem, co ma być, to będzie. Jak to nic nie pomoże, to mam w planach iść prywatnie do neuropsychiatry, może tam ktoś w końcu mi uwierzy i będzie chciał na prawdę pomóc. Chociaż w przypadku mojego HPPD - to i tak nie wierzę, że cokolwiek może mi pomóc.

A jak tam u Ciebie, jest chociaż mała poprawa? Radzisz sobie jakoś, czy raczej wegetujesz?

I'm sorry that I wrote in Polish, and it may be unclear to you, but writing a post in English takes me a long time, my English is fucked  :rolleyes:

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I think is the way to go beacause of no other options left. I want to try if it makes something good for me. If yes, I will be full motivated to get this even go to another country or order from internet for dramatic prices(I really have no idead how). But first I must know if it is worth.I'm from Poland

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  • 2 weeks later...

You'd need at least six months' worth of keppra, really. I don't think this is the way to go.

I belive thatwas for the study for people who had flsahbacks.  People with HPPD who have had success with Keppra have had good effects in a few days as I remember the posts

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Only a few people have had a miraculous, immediate response, actually, from what I've read. It's more common for it to take a few weeks to a few months to notice much; some people have said a year but I think once you get to that stage it's too hard to know that it wasn't just healing over time. That's not to say that it's not worth giving it a short trial if you don't have any other option. I wonder, if you managed to procure a month or so's worth illegally(?) and experienced relief, whether a doctor would prescribe you more if you told him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey guys, at this moment in time im very depressed. i'm done really done with all of this hppd/visualsnow bs. it ruined my life!

I'm from the Nederland's and i am suffering for more then 8 years from this crap. my main symptom is visualsnow but it caused by drugs. (2c-b on a party in combo with bright lights and a dark area where the party was, i woke up and the snow was there, and never went away). so lately im trying to do/test as much as possible in terms of medication (ive done all the standard ones, xanax, dia, clona) and some experimental ones such as diclazepam. Etilaam 1mg and 1.2mg (blue and light green pills. etc etc.


I've been to the doctor like a few times, he putted me on a low dose of diazepam and after that on some low dose of xanax 0.25 tabs.


what didn’t seemed like not a real solution to the whole hppd prob (because i needed more to washout all of my symptoms and the addiction you know what im talking about). Lots of years later if begin to read again on this visualsnow hell and find out that there was a whole new list of drugs to explore and test. So here i am back again, 26 years old and trying to test as much drugs as needed. So i tried to get a script from my doc for sinemet, lamical or keppra. but no he didn't want to write the script for me (witch i completely understand because in the end he is the one responsible in case something would happen, which i don't think it will lol).


Now i read allot of new things here on this forum, things about nootropics (smart drugs), sinemet trails, keppra and keppra "look a likes" etc etc. It's getting more complex every day. So the get to the bottom of my story: I read on wiki that Piracetam's structure is similar to the one of Keppra. Here in the Nederlands i can buy this shit right away if i do understand. But i am wondering if this give some individuals the same "look alike " effect as what keppra gives? I mean i read things like pp have improved for 75% on the visualsnow part of this. And if you pp say you better try keppra or sinemet, plz i want to ask can someone to pm me to help me getting this "the easy way". I have allot of experience in playing a doc for myself in this hard world. And don't get me wrong of course I could step to a professional here in Holland to get it, but at this moment im so damn depressed, that all of the side bs is taking me too long. the tests to be a verified visualsnow suffer. the publicity (my parents know about it and some friends), but i don't want to waste much more time with all those damn pp who need to diagnostic me etc and pp who are making the rules for me, "what not to take".. I'm feel like every single new day with this bs is a wasted day. so to get back to my point "i want the easy way" so if anyone can help me out here i would be pleased and understand that i don't like the way of asking other pp, but im running out of options (i can get 99% of the drugs i want but these drugs are a little harder to find/get properly). By the way i'm 26 years old and i suffer from hppd sins my 18th. thx for reading my long post and excuse me for my English pp. Thank You (I never posted much here because of my english but I read here sinds my 18th of 19th, ps I also get lots of information from Ben the one from visualsnow.nl, so I'm not a noob on this whole subject!) pfoooh long post!

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Hey. In addition to all the more commonly desired effects you may benefit from, Piracetam supposedly has weak anticonvulsant properties, If you have nothing else lined up, you might as well give it a shot; at the least it's very unlikely to do you any harm. There are tons of nootropics out there that may well help you though - if you're just experiencing the visual shit then coluracetam seems to be the nootropic most commonly connected to visual enhancement, though few people on here have given it a shot so god knows if it'll affect HPPD visuals. At least one member has attributed improvement to high-dose fish oil supplementation, and then there's varying levels of success with things like magnesium, valerian root, and so on.


As for acquiring Keppra, it's pretty unlikely you'll procure any from users on here. If they had the means I'm sure every member would gladly help you out, but prescription drugs are prescription drugs for a reason (whether they're reasonably accessible is another matter). It's not exactly easy to stockpile a quantity that'll be useful to another member, unfortunately.


There are some pretty reputable online pharmacies you could get it through, but for those of us without rich parents that generally isn't an option, hah. Specialists are the safest bet; unfortunately the majority are very set in the ways. It's a ton of red tape and sheer luck just to find someone half-reasonable who'll be open-minded to treating this crazy thing you diagnosed yourself with via the Internet that they've never heard of. Try to find a neuropsychiatrist, or a neurologist whose specialties seem most applicable to this kind of stuff (probably along the lines of epilepsy, mood disorders, visual disorders, etc.) because I don't think a single psychiatrist has ever treated a patient with Keppra so most aren't open to trying. Read up on it, print out a bunch of info, and go in there well-armed and confident and ready to argue your case. Or some approximation of that scenario anyhow :P 


I'm pretty certain there are people on here from the Netherlands who've managed to get it prescribed so hopefully one of them can pop in and help you out. Best of luck!

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