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Textures swirl around a point in my vision?

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I have had a pretty mild-average case of HPPD for the past few months. Caused by LSD, Mushroom use and exacerbated by constant use of cannabis. 


When i move my head slightly to the left while looking at a textured surface such as asphalt, to the right of the center of my vision, it's as if all the edges of the rocks in the asphalt swirl around this one point. If i move my head to the right, the same thing happens but to the left of the center of my vision. If i don't move my head at all, i notice textural anomalies kind of like an LSD trip, but without the normal structure a psychedelic visual has. Does anyone know what this could be? I have a predisposition to schizophrenia in my family, I've dropped a LOT of acid and mushrooms in the past year, and I'm rather worried it's something schizophrenic in nature. I am completely here in the head, mind you. Aside from the normal far out theories about reality that psychonauts have, I am normal. I do not consider myself delusional, and any theories i have from these experiences are valid and make sense to completely sober-minded people. I'm just wondering if i'm in the early onset of schizophrenia, or if i have HPPD. I have many other hppd symptoms, such as colors shifting, halos around lights, trails behind moving objects. I'm wondering if the symptom i've described above is what people would consider patterns in a textured surface. I've also wondered if it is palinopsia. Anyone want to shed some light on this?

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\Hey I was just at the optometrist on Saturday and when I was in the waiting room I was watching his little T.V. on the wall. This was actually on his little eye care program he had on and it was caused by a eye problem I believe. I told him about my eye floaters which are constant and was happening when he was checking them, he put a bright ass light in my eyes which made them go away for a few seconds but while he was looking around he said I don't have eye floats that he can see, he said my migraines are probably causing it which I believe because they went away when I was on hydrocodones or subutex. So just because I saw what you experience on a eye care program at my optometrist doesn't mean that yours is a eye problem, but it could be something to look in to.


Edit: And they way the checked was you look at a dot on paper with like lines and filled in boxes(don't think about it to much) and it was at the middle of your field of view where it would happen would twist. Don't remember much more then that.

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\Hey I was just at the optometrist on Saturday and when I was in the waiting room I was watching his little T.V. on the wall. This was actually on his little eye care program he had on and it was caused by a eye problem I believe. I told him about my eye floaters which are constant and was happening when he was checking them, he put a bright ass light in my eyes which made them go away for a few seconds but while he was looking around he said I don't have eye floats that he can see, he said my migraines are probably causing it which I believe because they went away when I was on hydrocodones or subutex. So just because I saw what you experience on a eye care program at my optometrist doesn't mean that yours is a eye problem, but it could be something to look in to.


Edit: And they way the checked was you look at a dot on paper with like lines and filled in boxes(don't think about it to much) and it was at the middle of your field of view where it would happen would twist. Don't remember much more then that.

do you remember the name of the problem?

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Yeah that was kind of what it was like on his t.v., it was some lines going vertically and horizontally with some shaded boxes and a dot in the middle and the whole thing would swirl like that. Btw do you see floaters, flashes of light or any other visual abnormalities? And you don't have schizophrenia, it is quiet different. Schizophrenia is usually associated with hearing voices, not talking to yourself but like voices that come from nowhere basically and visuals of objects like  people or animals.

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Interesting that you mention macular degeneration

In the morning when I first wake up, i see a grid on the ceiling like the one below. I think its a cosmic color like an after image type but it only lasts a minute or two when i first wake up. In macular degeneration, its considered http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metamorphopsia but I dont think your supposed to 'hallucinate' the lines.... lol 




BUT I also recently started to notice a pink hue in my vision, usually only noticeable when i look at something white, even then still a bit hard. its a symptom of macular edema but
This is a post i googled and the response from a doctor was that:

I'm not sure what is causing this. Perhaps you have slow circulation and it takes some time to increase blood flow to the retina.  Try sleeping with your head up on a pillow, keep the room very dark while you sleep and take a multivitamin and get a good amount of exercise.  See an ophthalmologist for a complete exam.  The symptom in general is not terribly concerning but I would get a fullexam nonetheless since I am not sure what exactly you are experiencing




this could very well be the case for me because i suspected shitty blood circulation to be a symptom of hppd since the beginning and maybe even the cause???


I for one did a transcranial doppler at the development of hppd and the results were mild narrowing of vein/artery or whatever resulting in increased velocity of bloodflow. But this was when i head headpressure which i rarely get now so i dont know if i still have that or whatever....... i also easily get orthostatic hypotension which supports the poor blood circulation theory. as well as easy soreness.... thoughts?

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That's the test I was talking about that they test you with to see if it swirls on you, don't know why I thought it had colored boxes but I am sure that is the test with the grids.


White backgrounds jack with me a ton too, I had to turn the brightness down on everything and when I lose focus(which is very fast) the letters sway up and down and side to side and this mostly happens on bright white backgrounds.


I use to also get a ton of head pressure, would feel like my brain was going to explode, tbh I thought I was having a brain aneurysm lol some scary fucking shit. I still get them time to time but I mostly just get migraines now.


Idk about the pink tent, it could be your eyes adjusting to the light, what color is your walls, ceilings and floor? They could possibly be reflecting light in a pinkesh tint? lol probably not the best theory. And the lines idk why you are seeing them, maybe when you wake up try to keep your eyes closed and open them under a blanket. Do you have a textured ceiling?


I just ordered a bunch of crap and am broke atm but as soon as I get some spare cash I am going to get a Lutein and Zeaxanthin supplement, astaxanthin supplment, bilberry supplement and spirulina supplement on top of my fish oil and flax seed I am already taking. Sounds like over kill for eye health but I will try everything to take all this excessive stress out of my vision so my other senses can calm the f down.

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