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It's been a long time since I've posted a research topic but I think this holds a lot of merit in regards to HPPD

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The article explains how IV LSD administered to rabbits produces a "heat shock protein" which is produced in the nerve cells in the retina and slowly travels down to the superior colliculus. The Superior Colliculus pathway here travels throughout the visual cortex...all the way to the bottom of it. This protein that is synthesized due to acute increases in body temperature during LSD and other similar hallucinogenic drugs can alter parts of the cells in which it binds with. These nerve pathways connect all the way to the back of the brain and inside, from what I understand, part of the most sensitive areas of the visual cortex.... The lowest levels. If I'm not mistaken by memory then this would mean that this would put these heat-shock porteins in contact with the innermost inihibitory interneurons that have been theorized to control the inhibitory actions of our visual processing in the brain. The interneurons containing the highest amount of 5-ht receptors.


These researchers say that this protein synthesized can take anywhere as long as 10 days to reach its destination or as little as 24 hours and could remain for up to 30 days possibly continuing to  "alter" whatever its binding to.


The authors of the article also go on to mention that this production of cells can be triggered by other environmental stressors such as  



Perturbations other than hyperthermia can induce synthesis

of a major heat shock protein in organs of the intact mammal.

A toxic agent such as sodium arsenite, which does not

elevate body temperature of rabbits at the dosages employed,

induces synthesis of a 74-kDa protein in various organs

within 1 hr after intravenous injection (39). Other factors

such as amino acid analogs, heavy metal ions, sulfhydryl

reagents, and chelating agents have been reported to

induce heat shock proteins in tissue culture systems (1, 2,

40-44). A trauma-induced protein of 71 kDa, which shows

tissue-specific charge variants, has been reported to be induced

in incubated organ slices and in tissues of hyperthermic

rat (10, 14, 44-46). It appears that a common set of proteins

is induced by diverse treatments as a general cellular

reaction to stress."


There are several parts of the article I'd like to put in quotations to break it down so the next reader does not have to do as much work but I always strongly believed this process could have a high chance at the atleast ONE of the causes of the disorder.


I typed this out quickly and did not look over it much because I just wanted to get the idea out here again ASAP so others could have a chance to look at it and give some feedback for discussion.


From WIKI:



Neural circuit The microstructure of the optic tectum / superior colliculus varies across species. As a general rule, there is always a clear distinction between superficial layers, which receive input primarily from the visual system and show primarily visual responses, and deeper layers, which receive many types of input and project to numerous motor-related brain areas. The distinction between these two zones is so clear and consistent that some anatomists have suggested that they should be considered separate brain structures.

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This is awesome!!!!
Thank you so much! This stuff is really interesting. Great find!
I'll post a more elaborative (is that a word? sigh) reply later.

More epigenetics!
I suggest you have a look over at my findings on Resveratrol (can be found under "Research Articles").
Let me know what you can grasp from it, if you like.

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