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Do you know if this Tofisopam is available in Europe? I looked in my country´s catalogue and could´nt find it.

I know it's available online (everything is), but it would be inappropiate to post a link here. And I know it is not available in the US and Canada.. I can't say with certainty, as I don't know what specific EU country you're from. It's not in "my" country's catalogue either though. Take Tianeptine for example: available in France, but not in the Netherlands. I'd say check with your doctor.


I take sulbutiamine. Doesn't do shit.

Everyone's personal etiology is different. Also, for some people it can take a while to take effect. Sharing that it "doesn't do shit" for you doesn't exactly contribute to the cause. Perhaps some more details could give us insights to your lack of effects.

Brendan: Glad you've found a sustainable aid for your troubles. ALA can be quite useful on it's own for some. I don't know about supplementing with minerals. I have yet to look into it further, but my current theory is that if overactive calcium transmission is involved, then supplementing with it would only fuel the fire. That said, I have absolutely zero understanding of calcium's role in all this. I've been procrastinating attempting to wrap my head around that for a long time now. All I now is that it most likely plays a crucial role in the pathogensis of HPPD. Anyways, I digress from discussing NAC in particular, as you seem more knowledgable on the subject, and I have no intention of educating myself on that particular substance.

Syntheso: My pleasure. Any updates?

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