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Once and for all: Passive cannabis inhalation interaction in HPPD

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As i have read on numerous forums there seems to be an almost certainty that cannabis wont enter the bloodstream in high enough levels to get a person high. There has been some debate about extreme "hotboxing" can actually get someone affected.

Now this is for normal people, in HPPD nothing seems normal. I've been around smokers outside on festivals and never experienced any effect. However, recently i went to Green light district in Christiania/Denmark. I went to have a look at this place all people talk about and at the outside cafés people were smoking a lot. At three occasions i felt a strong smell though i wasn't near any smokers. Everytime i felt a strong smell, I went away and/or tried to hold my breath when i realised that i could not get away anywhere, i simply left. When i left , i felt a bit uneasy and weird in my body. I paniced a bit but could manage it. I did not feel a mental high in any way.

I am not sure if this was some kinda effect from a panic attack from something in the contact high spectra or a real effect of cannabis. While i did not get a mental high, i still got slightly intreased visuals and DP/DR.

I can only explain this in two ways:

1, I got a panic attack and my weak HPPD brain responded accordingly

2, I actually got exposed to some amount of cannabis that would not show up on a test but once again my weak HPPD brain is over sensitive.

There has been some people complaining about effects of passive marijuana smoking. I have been exposed to the smell of Cannabis before, always outdoors, and never felt anything. This time though there was a lot of it and the body sensation is hard to just ignore (hard to walk straight and felt numb in my legs and a bit dizzy). Still have some DP/DR left and some elevated visuals.

So I am asking the community, what are your experience of passive inhalation of weed? I hope that all this was a suggestive experience. But I have heard others who really believe they got a bit high though far from what you get from smoking it yourselves.

So, any stories?

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Cannabis aroma is a very unique and strong scent, which can easily trigger memories or feelings. Especially if it's not just a stray whiff. I speculate this is a psychosomatical issue. I myself get anxious memories from the scent of marijuana. However, if I smoke it, I go batshit crazy, even if only taken two puffs. But sometimes I have friends over and they smoke weed, and I'm not bothered by it. Perhaps buy marijuana incense, or just some good kush, and get used to the smell i.e. eliminating the conditioned (fear) response to the stimuli. Cheers.

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The smell doesnt cause me too much anxiety. Having smoked only a handful of times since my hppd really set in, its hard to say how it affects me. If Im drunk and i smoke, everything is fine. Smoking alone makes me an axnious mess. Just cant seem to stop thinking and chill.

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i went to holland with some friends who smoked.  I did not smoke although i did not make any effort to avoid passive smoking.  I did not get noticeably high at all, but i did have far worse anxiety for a few days afterwards.  This type of anxiety has subsequently been controlled with acetyl cysteine, so i dont know if i could now get away with smoking and not get the anxiety.  Someone gave me a bit of hash (saying it was high cbd), so may try it again at some point.

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i went to holland with some friends who smoked.  I did not smoke although i did not make any effort to avoid passive smoking.  I did not get noticeably high at all, but i did have far worse anxiety for a few days afterwards.  This type of anxiety has subsequently been controlled with acetyl cysteine, so i dont know if i could now get away with smoking and not get the anxiety.  Someone gave me a bit of hash (saying it was high cbd), so may try it again at some point.

I tried high CBD hash a couple of months back. 2 puffs and I was having an anxiety attack that lasted for a few hours. Hate to scare you away from it, but trust me it's just not worth the risk if you are susceptible to it.

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