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For uk sufferes with visual snow

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I've just read an article about a certain doctor who is researching visual snow here in the uk and in London to be specific in the article he said he's doing brain scans and other tests on people with and without visual snow also said he would be interested in hearing from people who suffer so here is his email M.weatherall@imperial.nhs.uk might be of some help might not but thought id put it up here I'll probably contact him in due course

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Hmmm yes that is annoying if the email doesn't work I typed him into google and he come up didn't see an email adress though I'll probably just ring and see if I can speak to him or get his email that way he seems he might be helpful especially in prescribing medicine as he consults people with parkinsons and epilepsy so would have a good understanding of the drugs used I'll probably still have to go down the pct route though Grrrrr

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I have a feeling that many visual snow people just have never admitted to drug use or never been asked. Now it could get complicated between the lilly white visual snow sufferers and the trashy drug addict hppd people. I do believe in the migraine visual snow because I think there is some kind of damage that may come from migraines that causes visual snow.

I can just see it now "How dare you! I have visual snow not that disgusting hppd". Hey I'm laughing while I'm writing this. Since acquiring hppd I also have a problem with not always knowing what is appropriate to say and it's even harder with all the different cultures on this site. Forgive me if I don't make sense sometimes. Honestly though I have had people say they don't follow what I'm saying, but that has kind of happened to me my whole life.


one of those trashy drug addict hppd people

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I don't bother saying to doctors I have hppd or think I have hppd tried that once docs didn't have a clue what I was saying so I just say I have visual snow it seems to be more known than hppd the symptoms of the two seem more or less the same plus I suffer from migraines and experienced the aura with migraines before I ever had hppd or visual snow I feel they are very closely linked and if you cure visual snow visual snow I don't see why it wouldn't cure hppd visual snow surely it's the same part of the brain which is affected that's my hypothesis lol

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A former member went to his doc and said that Topamax sometimes reduces the visual snow.  He also said that for every one person it works for there are ten that it was ineffective. I am pretty sure it was Topamax but this was a long time ago on the other site.

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