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HPPD's with other mysterious health problems


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I have been aware of somatoform disorders for some time but I only recently learned about Somatization Disorder's specific criteria and realized that some HPPDs on here who seem to have other mysterious problems may in fact meet the diagnostic criteria for this particular disorder. The typical HPPD symptoms such as visual snow would count as the pseudoneurological problem and there definitaly seems to be some people on here who suffer from enough other unexplained issues to meet the rest. This isn't exactly a helpful realization as this disorder is quite mysterious in itself but I think the connection would be interesting to bring up to a neurologist if anyone has any upcoming appointments. What do you think?

Below is more info onsomatization disorder


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Ive been told many times by neurologists that i dont have anything, that im just stressed and somatizising...bullshit bro...no good telling it to doctord either because why would anyone prescribe something for seizures to you if they think your mind is in a way making it up

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Yeah It seems like many people (including doctors) think that no known physical cause means that there is no physical cause. Whether the problem is in the hardware or the software it is still physical problem, nothing exists as purely mental, the mind is all chemistry.

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In my own experience I would make sure that any neurologist you go to has a good understanding of HPPD. There is nothing more horrible and damaging then being told this disease is all in your mind. And to be told this over and over by different so called experts in there fields could push anyone over the edge of sanity. When you know there is something wrong with your brain and everyone just pats you on the head and sends you to the psychiatrist and of course a shrink has many lovely diagnosises they can pull out of a hat and cause further damage. All this is done with the best intentions in the world. I am one of the lucky ones who after being hospitalized for so called psychosis I became a pt of the only MD at Vanderbilt Med Center who was aware of HPPD. I still have HPPD, but I can deal with it. I'm just so glad for my brave brothers and sisters on this website. Peace and love.

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