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anyone out there who has any experience or sucsess whit prozac? started on 20mg 4 weeks ago and upped my dose to 40mg 3 days ago. it has only helped whit my depression. no wisual effected and a low effect anxiety. seriously feeling that im crazy all the time. suffering from bad dp/dr. considering to start klono to get my life quality back.

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I was on Prozac when I was younger. I want to say it takes 3 months to reach good therapeutic levels. I remember it not helping my anxiety and making me kind of on edge. I think if anxiety is a factor they usually go to a newer SSRI as a first drug to try.

I'm on Lexapro right now. It doesn't help with the HPPD or DP/DR but I need it for my depression. Also after 10 years of being on it I'm totally dependent on it and if I take too little or too much it can be real hell.

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They've put me on generic Prozac. It's shit in comparison to the real deal. But then so is every generic drug that didn't come up with the patent I spose. It's like co-ops own brand of cola vs coca cola. Prozac helped me in about two weeks 15 years ago. Then it stopped when my son was born after 6 full months of sleep deprivation/stress and relationship problems. But I'm just starting to wonder how much of it was dopamine related at the time and how big a jump in my brain chemistry that stressful period caused.

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I've been on Lexapro for 10+ years and they recently changed me to a generic formulation that just came out. Within 3 months on it I was super fucked up and I haven't been right since (got put on remediation at work due to job performance, couldn't sleep and was having panic attacks... I thought I was getting worse DP/DR- turns out it was the meds). I'm now back on the non-generic and I'm paying $140 a month instead of $30 which I was paying before because my insurance company won't cover it anymore. I guess it's better than nothing though. Thanks Obama!

I think HPPD people might be more prone to problems with generics, although from what I've read online I think a lot of folks are having problems with the generic Lexapro.

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That's pretty shit the jump in bucks wuwei. But you can't really put a price on mentally feeling better can you. if there was a pill to get hppd to fuck and it cost 100 grand I'd beg steal and borrow to get my hands on it. without hppd I think I'd be like superman lol. As it is I'm more like madman.

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In my experience (6 week trial) Prozac didn't help the slightest bit. Was like taking a sugar pill. After reading a bunch of convincing studies that Prozac is basically a placebo pill, I decided to discontinue. I did have slight improvements (mainly with anxiety) in when using Tianeptine. It was however not even close to a full recovery, and I wanted to try a new agent, so I discontinued out of precaution for interactions. Tianeptine is basically the opposite of Prozac, it's an SSRE (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Enhancer). Also it is reported stop and possibly reverse neurodegeneration caused by stress and anxiety, in other words, slightly Nootropic.
If you are going down the Anti-Depressant lane, it's best to do your own research. Most first-line AD's are generally considered useless.

http://www.biopsychiatry.com/ < Has extensive research on most anti-depressants. I find it quite resourceful.

Nonetheless I hope it works for you :)

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