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Drugs worth trying.


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things are a little more complex than lsd just works on serotonin or gaba, i almost hate to send this to you. http://www.yourpbc.org/articles/detail.dot?id=79253

If you 18, I'm sure you have insurance, why don't you beat a doctor's door down until they'll give you a functional MRI or a PET scan study if you want to possibly shed a little more light on what's going on in your brain? how much did you do anyway?

I also had this theory that the "head pressure/head aches" people experience is actually raise intracranial hypertension of some kind, I'd wonder what a lumbar puncture would look like to someone that just got HPPD. just curious, that's all


I do not know what a functional MRI can tell relating to HPPD symptom cause/effect.

It was suggested that I do one but not that the information would provide any help if something was not normal.

I went for a neuroSpect scan rather than a PET scan. What value is the PET scan information for this condition.

From previous information documented, the definitive test to say you have HPPD instead of something else was the qEEG. I had one and the reading indicated HPPD. For me, from now on, unless a test will show something that can be treated, I don't see the value in it.

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I think that jerking my neck and straining my neck is self explanitory. And anyone should be able to figure what that means when saying jerking and straining my neck in relation to hiking.

I will try to make it clearer for you. You have heard of whiplash? It happens often to people who are in a car and are hit by another car in the back. The impact causes the person in the car to thrust the neck forward and snap back. That is also called jerking the neck.

I was hiking down the mountain on a steep rocky path that wasn't really a path and my neck kept jerking forward and back from coming down on the uneven rocky path. My neck muscles also strained by trying to keep it strainght and keep it from jerking forward and back (Note:I am not saying that I got whiplash from jerking my neck but maybe I did). I had alot of pain and muscular tension for a long while after that, especially in the neck. The nerves in the back of the neck(and there are many) were bruised in a way from the motion and tension. Also the blood vessels in the back of the neck would have been constricted.

When I corresponded with Dr. Lerner, he told me that in his experience, pressure either on the neck or eyes has triggered or retriggered HPPD symptoms.

I hope this clears this up to your understanding because I do not know how to explain it further.

I can see a link with a chemical cause in regards to something physical cause like a neck problem, my migraines manifested from blows to the head, my first one was when I was about 8 or around that age, I was kicked in the back of the head with a steel cap boot (accidental) and it caused a migraine, I didn't have any again until high school around age 16 I was hit in the back of the head with one of those yoga balls and made my head whiplash which from then on migraines started only one or two a year though but they were extremly intense. Now I know migraines seem to have many differen't causes whether it be chemical or physical but I started feeling 'strange' around that time, which I figured must have been the start of anxiety and depersonalization which was before I started taking drugs, I started taking mushrooms then smoking cannabis which incread the 'strange' feeling.

Until reading your post I had never thought of it like this, I always thought it would had to of been one 'thing' that cause my symptoms, I think the manifestation of migraine along with taking psychadelics later on down the track is more probable than just one cause.

Sorry to go off topic here.

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