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Clonazepam and alcohol


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At the risk of sounding like a total booze hound, I have to ask. Can you dring any alcohol while taking this medication. Would a couple of drinks be okay? Does it depend on the dosage you are taking? Would it be okay to drink if you skipped the meds on that day? Any advice welcomed.

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I dunno. I drink while taking benzos. But it's not something I'd recommend.

I've not had any drink or benzos for over two weeks and the drink aspect I'm trying to stop. (I had nearly a bottle of vodka and 5mg of clonazepam a coupla weeks ago and I wasn't a pretty sight. Lol). I'm your atypical binge and benzo binger. (Sounds quite catchy). Not died yet but it's been touch and go a good few times probably.

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I've had quite a few black outs with that mix and been taken to hospital once because people thought i'd OD'd on something. I would go unconscious and not be able to be woken up, even with a strong pinch to the skin (old junky trick).

In moderation, it is ok.... but both alcohol and benzos tend to make you forget the word moderation :D

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I drink some and continue meds, but everything is low-dose including the booze.

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant.

Benzos are central nervous system depressants.

Opiods are central nervous system depressants.

Antiseizure meds are central nervous sytem depressants.

Add any of them together and there is more 'depressing'.

Depress enough and you stop breathing ... use your imagination for what happens next

It comes down to HOW much you take. Binge drinking WILL destroy your brain even without benzos, etc. Blacking out ... well, need more be said?

Sorry to be a party pooper, but take care of your body and brain if you want to feel well and get HPPD free. There is no point looking for a 'cure' otherwise. If life is intollerable without heavy drinking, then get professional help ... there is no shame in getting help and learning better ways to deal with life. Life IS beautiful, even when you feel like crap...

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Alas, I've tried the help route. Cold turkey is just not an option for me. Nor would I want to have to give up something that is such a big part of my social life and is one of my few pleasures. I'd rather rather take the "what happens next option". At the moment I'm just trying to find the best balance between the two.

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Nice words visual.... i was a kind of heavy drinker pre-hppd. For some time i was very scared to drink on benzo's but now i think i can control the situation. Benzo's are very low and drink some beer with my friends works really well, it helps me to understand that im still a person, not a ghost and i can do anything...okey thats not 100% exactly, no more drugs :D.

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I've tried the 100% healthy, sober routine.... It did nothing extra, for me.

I'm the same as Chris (big surprise, the brits want to keep drinking!).... I'd rather keep the social aspect of drinking than live a more boring life that might give me a slightly better chance of recovery.

After 16+ years, i'm done looking for a cure... i'm more focused on creating an enjoyable life and minimizing stress. Alcohol helps both, for me. As always, that is just my personal approach to this.

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Alas, I've tried the help route.

There are plenty of useless councelors out there. Some I wouldn't send a dog a hated to. You just have to find what works for you.

Cold turkey is just not an option for me. Nor would I want to have to give up something that is such a big part of my social life and is one of my few pleasures. I'd rather rather take the "what happens next option".

Depends on what is meant by "Cold Turkey". Cold turkey - no drinking at all is often not necessary ... it depends on your reactions to alcohol. Cold turkey regarding binge drinking is vital for health.

It also depends on what your are drinking for. HPPD is one thing. Anxiety, loneliness, isolation, pain, depression ... these are other issues.

Alcohol helps both, for me.

Benzo's are very low and drink some beer with my friends works really well, it helps me to understand that im still a person

Alcohol tolerance with HPPD varies quite a bit. You read the same about coffee. Some suffer a lot of symptom flare up with even small amounts. I can drink tons of coffee (too bad I don't like it more, lol) with no problem ... and a drink or two doesn't have too much negative effect. Often it depends what I drink, Gin and tonic actually helps with some symptoms but wiskey does not. Beer is my favorite but some beers and wines can set me back. It can all get complex.

It is very important to socialize and have fun. Just make sure your friends don't require you to get drunk in order to hang with them ... it is no different than people requireing you to be a different religion, ethnic group or skin color ... how are they really friends? Be true to yourself and love yourself even as you try to find acceptance and fun with others.

i'm more focused on creating an enjoyable life and minimizing stress

That is more important than 'cure' - some of the healthiest people in the world are miserable. Of course we want a cure, but set a timer and limit the time you spend on it. A lobster can grow back an arm, but we are not lobsters. But fun ... that is another story B)


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Just make sure your friends don't require you to get drunk in order to hang with them

That's a good point... At the beginning of the disorder my friends didnt really understand what was happening with me, so they reduced their alcohol intake and the few who smoke weed stopped. That helped me a lot to not be "tempted". So I am very grateful with my friends.

Of course we want a cure, but set a timer and limit the time you spend on it

Exactly... months ago i was very frustrated about the hole thing but now i think that the best weapon we have is acceptance and moving on (at the same time i cant understand that months ago :D). Its another type of fight with this.

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At the risk of sounding like a total booze hound, I have to ask. Can you dring any alcohol while taking this medication. Would a couple of drinks be okay? Does it depend on the dosage you are taking? Would it be okay to drink if you skipped the meds on that day? Any advice welcomed.



3.yes (if you take 1 mg with a couple beers, you'll have fun. If you take 4 mg with some shots then find a couch cause you're about to blackout lol)


I don't get the big stigma against drinking and benzing. If you're responsible about it then there's nothing to worry about. I think they synergize eachother, but the alcohol does kind of overpower the clonazepam. Just hide your pills if you're preparing to get really fucked up.

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