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Psychiatric/Psychological Stuff


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This is just my own experience. I don't know if it helps. I really think I had psych pxs as a kid. Then when I started using chemicals about 12 yo I liked the feeling, but I was also looking for something to change my incredible anxiety and lack of focus. For the next 20-30 yrs I tried everything in excess hoping it would make me like everyone else. Sometimes it worked, but my brain is also generally fried because of it. LSD in the 60s and 70s damaged my neurotransmitters, so HPPD is just the icing on the cake of my madness. No really I have PTSD and depression basically and I see an MD and therapist for these things. Hppd changed my whole life in other ways aside from the mental part, but having both is tough but manageable. This site is the best. Didn't mean to write a book.

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Anyone here ever feel bipolar? i mean, how do you know? One day, i wouldnt say im fine but i at least wanna go out and have a normal life as much as i can, the next my symptoms get to me, i fill up with dread and i just wanna stay in bed all day take a pill and not talk to anyone, this lasts for a day or two and then im feeling motivated, im reading, working out, only to feel like shit again

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Yeah. I get that big time boogres. I've learnt to love the 'highs' (allthough they've been generally absent ish the last year). My mind races, energy levels go up in a nervous excitable way, I lose weight, don't sleep as much. Allthough never full on mania and/or delusions. Like a diluted version of bipolar. (Adrenaline is obviously involved it seems). And sometimes I can crash and sleep for days. Even when I'm on a high though the cognitive dysfunction is still evident though. Even slight bipolar ism can't get through hppd it seems.

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Idk dude, i think if youre doubting you have it, then you probably dont. Crazy people dont know theyre crazy, the only way they do, is once theyre put on meds that help em realize that the govt isnt really after them or that Blake lively isnt telling them to kill the president or w.e...your thoughts are pretty coherent, ie not jumbled up, they follow a sort of narrative, they dont jump all over the place. Ive had doctors tell me it's early onset schizophrenia too, theyve tried to put me on antipsychotics, i know how much worse id be had i been on em.

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The thing I've realised since developing hppd (and subsequently only discovering it existed as a disorder less than a year ago) is that the general medical phsychological profession (certainly in this country at least) don't know their arse from their elbow as they say. I'm not as eloquent in person as I can be writing things down cos of my cognitive dysfunction and the 20 second buffer I need to formulate sentences mind you. Probably your a lot more coherent and get your ideas and issues down on a one to one basis than I am. Maybe he's got a lot of stuff to go with.

Diagnosis or no though I think if your not hurting anyone in what you do and are a decent person it doesn't matter about labels and stigmas. Stigmatising yourself is even worse. It wouldn't be more about saying 'I'm schizophrenic and proud' as much as saying 'I'm schizophrenic and not ashamed'.

As far as I'm aware I have hppd, am bipolar, a personality disorder (possible schizo type thing) and have a sleep disorder. And that's just off the top of my head. I personally wouldn't believe a psychiatrist 'ticking boxes' would make me believe in a diagnosis above my actual own beliefs. Until psychiatrists become actual psychics and can get inside your head (in which case the profession numbers would take a drastic downturn cos they'd shit their pants) then il suspend belief and just get on with it.

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It's amazing that people still exist; when i find myself at the lowest point i just expect no one to be there, because that's how it's been for most of my life. ..... You take a med that makes you closer to your emotional self, you see how much you are missing, you don't want to go back to that cold, cold world.

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It's amazing that people still exist; when i find myself at the lowest point i just expect no one to be there, because that's how it's been for most of my life. ..... You take a med that makes you closer to your emotional self, you see how much you are missing, you don't want to go back to that cold, cold world.

I'll second that !!!

Anyone here ever feel bipolar? i mean, how do you know? One day, i wouldnt say im fine but i at least wanna go out and have a normal life as much as i can, the next my symptoms get to me, i fill up with dread and i just wanna stay in bed all day take a pill and not talk to anyone, this lasts for a day or two and then im feeling motivated, im reading, working out, only to feel like shit again

Yeah. I get that big time boogres. I've learnt to love the 'highs' (allthough they've been generally absent ish the last year). My mind races, energy levels go up in a nervous excitable way, I lose weight, don't sleep as much. Allthough never full on mania and/or delusions. Like a diluted version of bipolar. (Adrenaline is obviously involved it seems). And sometimes I can crash and sleep for days. Even when I'm on a high though the cognitive dysfunction is still evident though. Even slight bipolar ism can't get through hppd it seems.

Do you find that your mood can change suddenly? Especially quick in the negative direction?

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