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Started Keppra

John Smith

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Well, if I can tell of any improvements il be getting the doc told to up it big time. Lol. Mind you i read of the guy getting results with the 50 mg daily of keppra lol. I'm a not bad responder to most things though. (Cept bloody klono it seems, but I went overboard with that). I just got a bundle of piracetam before getting the go ahead on keppra though, think its still allright to take one of those (800mg) inbetween my doses?

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Better memory and recall...that sounds like a dream! Still trying to get in to be seen. Just got some neuro-pychological testing done- will be curious to see what the results are. I plan on going on keppra/meds, and then re-testing, so can see if actually helps with the cognitive dysfunction.

Good luck! Keep us posted!

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Hmm, well i went up to 1500mgs 5 days after i started and ive been a bit tired...the dread feeling was bad for 2 days but thats about it...my afterimages have definitely decreased and i think cognitively ive imporved a little as well...too little to quantify but definite progress...ill keep you guys updated

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Awesome, Boogres, glad to hear it! I had a long awaited appointment with a neuro today- brought my big stack of papers to push for keppra, and they basically said I needed to go to psychiatrist instead. :( Pushes me back another month until I'm seen. But with all of the positive keppra trials, trying to keep my head up. Keep us posted, good luck!

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Great progress, boogres! :lol: Can´t wait to get Keppra myself, hoping that letter calling to the neurologist appointment will drop in my mailbox very soon!

gobigorgohome, keep your head up and keep nagging holes in the doctors heads about Keppra. I´ve been nagging for years about it ever since I heard about the first good trials in the old forum.

Now I´m going to get it, just a matter of weeks, maybe some months left!

I´ve had one (1) excellent doctor who took the little extra time I talked about in the other thread and actually studied HPPD and Keppra, who said "it would really be beneficial against HPPD". And now my other doctor catched on. All because of my persistent, constant nagging.. And of course, getting my HPPD diagnosed has made a huge difference.

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I just got lucky with my doctor i guess, he prescribes keppra daily at a treatment center for addicts coming off benzos and since he rarely gets reports of side effects he didnt see a problem in letting me get some if it could possibly give me any solace...

but yeah, after-images and streaks greatly decreased...obviously still there but noticeably better. Also feeling a little better tempered and less foggy, actually managed to take a girl on a date and hook up with her haha, apparently my conversational skills arent so shitty if i just pace myself...

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