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I tried to get some Clonazepam/Keppra from my doctor today. I failed. Instead, I have been giving Zopiclone to help me sleep. This may have come up before but has anyone had any negative experiences when taking this? I've read conflicting accounts of its effects on HPPD. My visuals have been getting worse recently and the dose I have been given is quite high so I'm unsure whether to take it.

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Firstly, I'm not a doctor. So you should assume your doctor knows more than we do. Secondly, I don't know what meds you are on already. I read that you have Asperger's and ADD. Thirdly, if your doctor is dead wrong or if the dosage is too high, we'll try to help. What made you think the dosage may be too high?

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When it comes to HPPD I can guarantee you that anyone on here knows more than my doctor. I don't have Aperger's or ADD. Pretty sure this episode was triggered by Mirtazipine which I have discontinued- visuals and DP were intensified. What makes you say I should avoid it?

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Oh sorry! I accidentally gave you more disorders, based on my own stupidity [..thought you were a different person, sorry].

Mirtazipine appears to be a "tricyclic AD" and is supposedly very effective but much less tolerable than newer AD classes.

But it's a "-pine". It's basically an antipsychotic.

Zopiclone, Sure you can take it and you will probably be out like a light. But i suppose some sort of hallucinations surrounding waking and going to sleep [hypnopompic] are possible but may not be probable. Like i said i am not a doctor and i have never taken these "Z" drugs.

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Oh sorry! I accidentally gave you more disorders, based on my own stupidity [..thought you were a different person, sorry].

Mirtazipine appears to be a "tricyclic AD" and is supposedly very effective but much less tolerable than newer AD classes.

But it's a "-pine". It's basically an antipsychotic.

Zopiclone, Sure you can take it and you will probably be out like a light. But i suppose some sort of hallucinations surrounding waking and going to sleep [hypnopompic] are possible but may not be probable. Like i said i am not a doctor and i have never taken these "Z" drugs.

Hmm. I was down for taking the Zopiclone but read that a member on here had a bad experience with it. I thought it might help with visuals but I don't want to risk it if it might have the opposite effect.

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I´ve had Zopiclone for a period of 6 months. I doesn´t affect HPPD in any way really, personally I think it´s crap since I could never fall asleep on Zopiclone alone. Don´t take it every day like I did, space the use some days apart. It´s not very addictive IMO, I tapered it for a week only and got off it with only a few days of mild abstinence and one completely sleepless night. No danger..

But it can make you extremely fatigued and lethargic after some months use. The metallic taste of Zopiclone is god awful too..

Try Zolpidem if it doesn´t work, it´s the only sleep med that has worked for me so far, and gives the least tiredness the following day. Or if you have milder insomnia antihistamines might work too, they´re not addictive at all. Though they can make you feel like a zombie the day after.

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Well, I took it. You're right about the taste and it didn't exactly knock me out right away, either. Slight VS reduction, maybe. Might just have been that I was more relaxed so didn't notice it as much. Feel really groggy today, though.

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I had two 7.5 mg zoplicone a month or two ago. I was out like the proverbial light. In a coma for 15 hours. (But then that was with 10mg Valium, 3mg klonopin, 300 mg tramadol and 6 tequila sunrises and some gin. Lol. But took it by itself a few days later. Certainly works f or sleep for me personally as I sleep pretty badly cos of my hppd, but so does the diphenhydramine route work as well as I've found recently.

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Not sure, I certainly didn't make my work the next day that's for sure. Infact I can't recall talking to them when they phoned me the next day asking where I was. Think I mumbled something about a migraine lol. Then I phoned back hours later when I was slightly more compis mentis trying to explain myself. I said I took what I thought was a 'herbal' sleeping pill that mistakenly was a pharmaceutical grade one that hit me for 6 and thats why i hadnt adhered to the 'off sick procedure' haha. A modicum of truth to it I suppose.

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