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ketogenic diet and ageing


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Just something for keto dieters to consider...

Since low-carbing, i notice i have started to age quite rapidly. It is possible this is just what happens in early thirties, especially when i've always worked outside so got a lot of uva damage plus general abuse from fags, booze and probably some metabolic disfunction that gives me brain-fog that is cleared by detox/antioxidant supps. Also, loosing weight may also make the skin a bit saggier. However, i am concerned that my low-carb (tho not strictly keto) diet may be adding to degeneration rather than restraining it. As i will be nearly 50 in 15 years time (being 20 doesnt seem so long ago, but 50 is psychologically a long way off, tho in reality it is close and so now is time to start planning for a healthy old age). While low blood sugar, insulin and triglycerides that come with keto diet should reduce ageing, ketosis seems to create large amounts of methylglyoxal, which attacks proteins very strongly hence adding to ageing. Also, foods that are high in fat and protein, especially if fried or roasted, are high in advanced glycation end products which are implicated in ageing.

here's a blog post saying ketosis increases ageing: http://healthcorrelator.blogspot.co.uk/2010/03/ketosis-methylglyoxal-and-accelerated.html

here's one saying it reduces aging: http://www.ketogenic-diet-resource.com/aging-process.html

Maybe if you get benefits from keto, it may be worth supplementing with glycation inhibitors like thiamine and benfotiamine (an oil-soluble form of thiamine), resveratrol etc. And eating more boiled/poached/raw foods rather than fried/baked/roasted.

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You might be getting dehydrated it happens a lot on a low carb diet which will make your skin look dry and aged. Also don't forget fruit I don't know how hard core you are on low carb but you need your antioxidants. I'm guessing your male by the name you could also check your testosterone levels when it drops your muscle mass will as well you might could use some extra you can get a rub on cream or injections. There is also growth hormone if you want to go to that extent you will have to get alot of blood work and have your levels checked first to see if you could use a boost you will also need prostate checks if you we're to develop pros.cancer it would grow rapidly due to the growth hormone. Growth hormone is also very pricey you have to inject yourself 6days a week. Pill form is worthless. Not sure how this would effect your hppd.

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it's not so desperate as to start injecting growth hormone! It's just an observation that indicates that perhaps i am fucking myself up a bit by trying to control hppd symptoms. It may just be uva damage and laughter damage, in which case nothing to be concerned about except perhaps skin cancer. But if i am doing systemic degradation then it is more of a concern. I dont have dry skin, I'm not too hardcore on low carbing - loads of veg, a little fruit, plus acetyl cysteine supplementation so plenty antioxidants. I also take quite high doses of vitamin d (5000iu per day) which i find makes me more awake, but this too is implicated in accelerated ageing: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960076009000144

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Owsley Stanley, greatest non-pharmacuetical-company LSD synthesizer ever and of GD non-Spector Wall-of-Sound infamy, swore by a diet of mainly meats, disregarding fruits and vegetables [and most likely many complex carbs].

Aside from Gluconeogenesis, you could always eat sugar.


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