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Movement of Objects

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey has anyone had false movement of objects go away? cause I feel this is going to be the hardest thing to live with.

This is better for me. And yes, it is one of the most freaky symptoms.

Have read that it is a "coordination" problem between the two main visual systems - Ambient (peripheral, vigilance, feel/"emotion", amydala) and Focal (central, precision, "think", cortex)

Sinemet and Gabapentin both affect/help this with me - however, I cannot say that these would fix you ... certainly not instantly. But Ambient Visual Processing is in the midbrain which is the heavyist concentration of dopaminergic neurons - so these 2 meds affect this area.

For me, this is worse in the evening when most tired. Also lighting level is fairly low.

Do you find any pattern when this symptom is better or worse?

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Yes Nuroeone I mean Warping, like when I look at my wall with vertical lines they wiggle around and I if I stare at the wall the I can also see some lines blend into the wall.

This and Depersonalization are my worst symptoms if they went away I would be much better off.

Visual I am very eager to try meds but I am doing my hardest to resist to let myself heal or just get used to this life, but I will definitely give them a try down the track if I'm having a hard time. I find all my symptoms to be constant throughout the day, they don't really get better or worse.

My symptoms have gotten a lot better since the onset, mainly Depersonalization.

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It's been about 3 months now, I am handling it a lot better now than the beginning, it makes relaxing so hard as I am constantly aware of having to shift my focus all the time.

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It's been about 3 months now, I am handling it a lot better now than the beginning, it makes relaxing so hard as I am constantly aware of having to shift my focus all the time.

As bad as if feels, at 3 months you are just a pup ;). And you already report some improvement. Diet, nutrition, ... (all the 'healthy living' stuff) and time - you'll probably have a great outcome even without meds. No one knows how it will all be down the road. Learning to 'handle it a lot better' is great ... as they say, "It builds charactor!" Anxiety/panic puts a lot a pressure on the brain and body.

It is hard to ignore it all (kind of like trying to ignore someone playing horrible music on the radio all the time). But it is amazing what you can get used to and adapt/accomidate.

It sounds like your symptoms are not affected by mood or anxiety. What are your symptoms besides movement-of-objects and DP?

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Yes I am already handling it a lot better but still go through a lot of hard times.

I have trails, after images, Floaters(hundreds of little ones when I look up in the sky or a white wall and a few larger darker coloured ones), starbursting, slight ghosting occasionally and halos around some lights. My anxiety is also a lot better than the beginning.

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My positive after images fade quickly, I relate them more to trailing. My Negative after images stay around for a little bit and sway around if I focus on them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My HPPD has gone away mostly over the past 5-6 years. I still have snow and the movement you speak of, however. Never freaked me out but it is unsettling to me that after 5-6 years I havent seen any marked improvement with it. At this point however, I have lived with it long enough that I rarely, if ever even notice it, even though it is happening 24/7. I suppose you could say it has gone away some in that case if youd like to be an potimist :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dylan - Thank you it is reassuring to know that you can ignore this symptom, it bothers me the most because I cannot focus on a still object for long. Do you think you have learnt to shift your vision without noticing, or are just so used to it that you forget about it?

Myrslingerbult - My dp/dr is pretty much gone, seems to be one of the most common symptoms to disappear.

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