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Sorry for the downtime. Upgrade still not complete.

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I did convince the Support group to patch the board, which was a vulnerability that became quickly & widely known in hacking circles. I took the board down, even though we have no known enemies, but because your privacy is paramount to me.

I also asked the Hosting company that created both the software and hosts the site to upgrade the site to newest version.

I expected this to not take forever.

The patch is complete after threatening them (in a consumerly way), but here is the following messages and times to the support team regarding the upgrade (notice time & day).

I expect tickets regarding hosting upgrades are not completed except during business hours. It is not a major issue, and they did handle my second request for the security patch. I expect the change to happen on Monday early eastern standard time. I am sorry for the board downtime, it was intended first to protect until patching and then allow for an upgrade to occur with a database of information I have saved.

You will notice when the upgrade occurs. It does have useful updates.

- David

David Kozin

25 October 2012 - 07:07 AM

1) I have a 2 year package purchased. The License Key Expired notification continues to appear as a warning even after going to Admin CP and saving/etc. Please fix.

2) Upgrade from 3.XX to 3.XX (I'm hiding this for security, but in original message)

I have not clicked auto-upgrade or any links. Keep package the same.

All passwords to admin directory are correct. Proceed at any time.

Thank you,


David Kozin

25 October 2012 - 07:11 PM

I realize this was not a critical issue so I stated to "Proceed at any time." However, it has been 12 hours and I have not been notified of a plan or if any issue on my end needs to be resolved before this happens.

An estimate would help me decide what to do for the next 24-48 hours.

Thank you,


Larry Walansky

26 October 2012 - 08:06 AM


In order to proceed with the upgrade, could you please reply stating that you agree to the following disclaimer:

"I understand that I am requesting Invision Power Services perform an upgrade to my software on my behalf.

Upgrading between versions will result in the loss of custom changes such as skins, images, or other modifications.

It is the customer's responsibility to perform a backup of the database, skins, and important files before the upgrade request is entered.

By completing this upgrade request, you are indicating a backup has been made to restore your software and data in the event of upgrade issues."

Once we have your acceptance and the requested information, we can proceed with the upgrade.


Larry Walansky

Invision Power Services, Inc.

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David Kozin

26 October 2012 - 09:19 AM

I have read, understood and acted according to the disclaimer in this ticket. Please proceed.

- David

David Kozin

27 October 2012 - 01:32 AM

PLEASE PROVIDE AN ESTIMATE FORTHWITH OR I CANCEL MY PRODUCT. I have 440 or so prepaid, which I will ask back, and just put this on virtual host with Rochen.

Techs, I know it is not on you, but more the way you are staffed, but you know you would be upset with this timing.

Just be human and let me know if it will take a week. I don't care, just want the time. I have no confidence in IPS and the reason I used it for this single forum.

David S. Kozin


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