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Fuck that sounds crazy scary man I had a

Horrible trip thought electric invisible spider machines were trying to set me on fire and I was convinced I'd stop hallucinating and all this was real was trying to Hoover them up and telling my mum we gotta get rid of these electric spiders haha but I've smoked reefa a few times since having hppd even went to Amsterdam and it never made it any worse maybe just made visual snow a little thicker for a day same with alcohol

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Emlly, interesting, i think if i would get kids, (Ive got HPPD from LSD so 5ht2a receptor is broke) , my kid would have visual snow, two friends of me have visual snow without ever taking drugs....I took a look about their parents, and one of them have lived in the DDR, where lots of people took drugs, especially MDMA and LSD.

I dont want to say she has HPPD, but if the 5ht2a receptor from her is broken, then she passed it to her kid.

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I cant imagine that this just comes from nothing and youre born with it without a reason....A mother had the "Plan" tO build you, and in this Plan the DNA has been damaged so the mother has Visual Snow, your DNA is from her, so it´s damaged too

...Maybe ? :D


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Haha my mum was saying what you going on about I had a dream that they were nano spiders sent in to check if your buying food from supermarkets and when I woke up It was as if I had an implanted memomry which wasn't real and I was saying to my mum we gotta get rid of them there's millions of them haha still could of been worse could of ended up like that dude in Florida I think that's where it happened where he was found eating the face of someone alive the cops turned up and was like damn step away from the man and stop eating his face which he didn't so they shot that muvafucker but they put that down to a hallucinogen now that shit crazzzzzyy

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My problem is down to both acid and MDMA. But I always knew when to step away from acid use (or at least I thought so), and in the end it was the MDMA use that surely put the nails in my hppd coffin so to speak. But on a good few occasions I took acid and MDMA at the same time, or mushrooms And MDMA. Take your pick I suppose. It's amazing how ignorant youth can make you.

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So may i am one of the slow Metabolizers, and i also am a bit crazy, everyone says that, may this also leads to it...

-mg, i tryed to understand that study but that´s waaayyyy too hard for me my english isnt enough.......

So as i understood, Caucasians are more sensitive then African People yes???

Also, my Family never tried such Hallucinogens, except my father, hes been totally on Cocaine, they say that kids that where born with a parent that takes cocaine have deformed (Not deformed but not well sized) bodyparts, too small head for such a torso for example........So the drugconsume of parents must influence this :D

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Different types of hppd? Definettely. I have minimal dpdr but my visuals are strange. It seems like a have two layers of snow - the shapes and geometric mesh which is dense and in the middle of my vision, and then theres a thin layer of static which is more spread out. Weird.

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