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HPPD Documentary - Idea


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I am thinking about putting together a HPPD documentary

As some of you know, part of my work entails shooting film/video, i'm quite skilled in this and could make a production that would look very professional.

The things standing in my way are:

1) Budget, I can keep the shooting/editing budget fairly low... Would just need to hire lights and any location fees to shoot interviews, cut aways etc. Travel and accommodation (if shot in the states)

2) Interviewees. I think a mix of hppd sufferers, medical staff and current lsd users would make for an interesting documentary.

3) Location. I think I would get most success stateside, but don't know many people or where and how to contact medical staff.

I think it would cost about $10k, all in all. Maybe we could set up a kickstarter campaign to help funding?

Is this worth doing?

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I think kickstarter is available in uk now or soon.

If we can raise the budget, then myrs... you want to assist? Maybe it is worth doing it in Europe.... But finding knowledgeable doctors will be a pain. If we could interview Dr. Abraham and David, it would make it more official.

I have a blackmagic cinema camera on pre-order which should be available in spring 2013... so I think Spring/summer would be a good target. I'll have a Canon 5DIII and Lumix GH2 as 2nd/3rd cams.

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Ah, okay, then kickstarter would be nice. It would be a pleasure to assist, however my symptoms are so intense that i can't even go to school. Hehe, I like your cameras! I've got a Canon 500D but i'm planning on buying a 650D and a steadycam. Are you thinking about 1080 with condensator mic?

I think interviews would be a vital part. I also think that if we make a documentary, Kozin and Abraham would like to take part.

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I don't wanna say too much as I have to try and keep my career protected from prejudice of having a drug associated problem.

But i've worked on a few shoots and post production on several projects that have been screened in UK.

Usually as DP.

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I've been editing Pro Tools audio for over 10 years and is in fact my forte. Best bet for audio would be shotgun mics and digital field recorders. Either use the white Canon [xl-1 or the XH-A1]or the Panasonic [ag-hvx, ag-dvg, ag-dvx]..IMO..........i think they are 3ccd.

The Panasonic i know for a fact they use at MTV for bulk of their offsight gigs.

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The BlackMagic has 48 kHz and 24 bit audio in. I'd take a 2nd 48 kHz/24 bit recorder for backup.

Technically, I am very well set up (cinema grade equipment).

The problems will be finding people to interview, planning, lighting and travel/accommodation.

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Grant info [mucho red tape lol]:

National Endowment for the Arts

International Documentary Association

The Independent Feature Project

The Sundance Institute

State Governments

HPPD Foundation

Pew Research?




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The thing is that HPPD is not on the front of everyone's mind. But everybody knows someone who has ended up with psychiatric issues because of drugs. Visual snow is not high up on the list for which to find a cure. And i while it is really annoying; anxiety, drdp, depression, psychosis, hallucinations, anhedonia, that doesn't get better after a bad trip or drug use, are more universal and more pressing. And there is an issue even to people who have taken certain prescribed pharmaceuticals [ie-paxil, sleeping pills, halcyon, etc].

This is going to take a lot of planning and may end up being like writing up a bill in the US congress: takes forever, never gets done, and everyone votes against it.....LOL

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