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Discovery TV show


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I watched a show last night on tv, made by Discovery, about hallucinogens and they had a cop on there that had been exposed to 1000 hits of lsd. He described how his life had changed since... that he could no longer read, that he would find himself places and could not remember how to get back etc.

Sounds like he has some hppd symptoms, certainly very severe "brain fog".

I'm trying to find the name of the show... translated from Portuguese it is called "the business of drugs". But searching online doesn't show much.

any ideas?

Unfortunately... the undercover cop remained anonymous, but perhaps contacting Discovery network could help us in our search for knowledge.

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That sounds really interesting. Certainly sounds like that cop has HPPD. I may be wrong, but it seems there are more people on here from other countries. Also sounds like MDs from these countries also have a better knowledge of HPPD than in the US. Or at least I have seen a great deal of scepticism here. I know I can't be the only person in Nashville who has this. One MD said people may have it and suffer in silence because they don't want to admit drug use.

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any contact with establishment medicine, from specialists to general practitioners, has been entirely unknowledgeable. The best to hope for is someone unknowledgeable who is willing to work with you to find some meds that work for you. I've also seen a few complementary medicals in my time who have always taken my story at face value but worse than not knowing, make up that they know what has happened (you can imagine the type of thing - from stored toxicity to holes in auras). Not knocking complementary stuff totally - i think there may well be something going on with chi etc, but i really want science to discover what it is so it can be brought within the usual scientific discipline rather than the preserve of traditional cultural protocols which attract wooly minded hippy practitioners, or scammers willling to take advantage of wooly minded hippy clients.

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