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thiamine for improved sleep


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in experimenting with thiamine, i didnt really notice much benefit, but for two days after taking about a gram i had really relaxed, long mellow sleeps. Looking at google, this seems to be noticed by other people too. But my wife complained i smelled like bovril. Will experiment with lower doses. I bought a bag of cheap thiamine powder off ebay uk.

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Hey Brendan. I've been taking multiple vitamins for years, including Thiamine (Vitamin B1). There have been times when I've stopped taking my vitamins and I honestly can't say it disrupted my HPPD or sleep patterns, but thats just for me, of course, everyone is different. This is just a theory, but perhaps the promise that Thiamine will grant a better sleep produces a placebo effect, and in-turn allows for your better sleeps?

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I dont think its placebo since i discovered the effect before i knew of its promise (same thing happened with acetyl cysteine which i took for hangover not as a brain fog cure which it turned out to be) - i looked up whether the effect was known only after i had noticed it. I just wondered whether it was just one of those things (ie i just had a really good kip for no discernable reason) or if it might have been due to the thiamine or herbal tea i had also started drinking (nettle and gingko - tried this tea on its own but had no sleep effect so discounted it). It could still be one of those things and may not be repeated, but thought i would share it now even if it might be a bit premature. I tried half the original dose last night and maybe had a little effect but nothing i would notice if i hadnt been looking. I'll try full dose again tonight and risk getting whinged at for smelling of beef.

I have also tried taking multivits, and tried higher dose b vit supps without noticeable effects. The doses i am using in this experiment are huge -nearly 3 orders higher than the rda, so may be getting a more pharmaceutical effect rather than just nutritional (i also notice some positive effects of d3, b6 and b12 in megadose). The dose that i took when i had the sleep effect was a 1ml scoop, so probably a little less than a gram. The rda is 1.4mg according to wikipedia:

"The RDA in most countries is set at about 1.4 mg. However, tests on female volunteers at daily doses of about 50 mg have claimed an increase in mental acuity.[15] There are no reports available of adverse effects from consumption of excess thiamine by ingestion of food and supplements. Because the data is inadequate for a quantitative risk assessment, no Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) can be derived for thiamine."

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