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Do I Have It?


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Hey everyone. I guess ill start at the beginning.

About 4 and a half weeks ago I bought a strip of 2c-i. I was told it was acid at the time. If i had known it was some research chemical fuckery i probably would not have got as much or at all. Actually I hadn't ever thought about it till now but I also bought H for the first time that day and I'm just now realizing that may have played a part. Or not. I really have no clue but i figure I might as well give the full story.

So I started out by snorting some H and taking 2 hit of the 2c-i. My friend did the same. We walked to our buddies house but by the time we got there i felt pretty nauseous (Probably from the H i don't know this was the first time I had done it) so decided i would enjoy my trip more if I threw up. So I did. I was also smoking cigarettes so I was spitting pretty often. When my friend started tripping and I wasn't I realized most of my 2c-i probably got lost when I threw up and spit so I took another hit. I tripped after that of about the next 12 hours.

The next day I took vyvanse and smoked H.

The Day after that I took 2 more hits before my last class (I go to app) because I figured by the time it kicked in I would be out. WRONG! I started feeling it about halfway through the class.

The day after that I took my last 4 hits. I sold one for those who are counting. I also smoked a good bit of my H and snorted the last of it at the end of my trip.

That was a month ago. Everyday all day I am seeing black shit flowing across my vision. I don't know exactly when it started but it was after the trips. It seems like every description of Visual Snow I've read. Although snow is white and the dots an shit I'm seeing are black. Anyways I would describe it as a staticy tv screen. Its a lot worse when i try to read. It hasn't lessened in the past month which is why I'm here.

I only did acid once before this but I've done shrooms probably like 5 times and robo tripped countless times an tripped on dramamine several times. I don't know if those have something to do with it.

If this sounds familiar please let me know. Im trying to figure out what is going on with me.

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Damn. yeah i kinda already accepted I had it. Its really been bumming me out. Im trying to look on the bright side though. Ive been using a lot of drugs for a while now and I've been meaning to quit so this is like a wake up call. Now I HAVE to quit. So i figure getting hppd is good for me in away.

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Yeah man I never done loads of drugs used to smoke a bit of reefa now and again went through a stage of doing coke then like nearly od on MDMA and ended up having a fucked up trip and week long come down only did it the once but got this shit guess it only takes the once but I ended up stoping everything hardly drink either man like it's good it's made me never wanna touch drugs again but in a way I miss the not being able to smoke the reefa and get drunk it's doesn't make my hppd worse only for like 2 days maybe but I reckon it probably affects the recovery

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Yeah dude I saw your story on another post. That really sucks that you got this after such a small amount of drug use. You defiantly got screwed over. i gotta admit i kinda had i t coming. I always thought I would be able to do whatever the hell i wanted and my body would withstand and recover. Never thought in a million years something like this could happen.

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Yeah mate the thing is people need to be more informed about this sort of thing if I'd of known there was a chance of this hppd thing I'd of probably been like fuck it I ain't even gonna try it the fact everyone was saying ecstasy is so safe and people only die when they drink too much o thought well I'll be sensible with drinking but it obviously didn't agree with me lol so got kinda screwed but I'm hopeful I'll beat it my issues is mainly visual snow even if doctors don't cure this directly I reckon theyll discover a cure either through parkinsons VS or pms research plus I haven't even tried any drugs like klono or keppra yet need to find a uk doc just trying to stay positive I had some dark days with this shit like felt really depressed had thoughts of suicide not that I ever would but I'd never of even thought shit like that before man

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