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I've had mild hppd for almost 5 months now. It doesn't bother me most of the time, in fact it's been pretty much non existent until a couple weeks into school. I'm a sophomore in college and just getting into my major really so I am stressed and assuming that has something to do with it. A long with going out occasionally.

I just started to notice ghosting (I think that's what it's technically called), or having double vision. It is worse when I cover one eye and worse in my left eye (which is my better eye). It does happen a little bit with both eyes open, and it really only happens in the dark with things that provide light like my cell phone or digital clock. Also it happens in the mirror when I look closely.

I was just wondering if anyone had experience with this and if it gets better or worse and what not?

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I have this. Mines pretty bad on things that emit some sort of light. I considered it more like starbursting, but in a different way. But I recognize it now as ghosting. I see it off of my digital clock, and white text on black backgrounds. It's really annoying. And it doesn't seem to be getting much better. Sometimes it seems better, but I really dont know what is, or even when it started. One of my more debilitating symptoms.

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Yeah mine is kind of like the starbursting too. It kind of looks like star bursting then it forms into what I'm looking at either a little below above or to either side of it. and yes mine is the worst on black backgrounds too. I just started noticing it about a week ago but it's not debilitating for me just annoying.

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I'm kinda getting ghosting on and off. It seems to hit me when I go through a mini migraine period though and or fatigued to the max. (which are becoming quite common at the mo). Double vision layered on top of your normal vision a bit off. Ok at night though.just your normal monochrome staticky purple dots a la acid trip.

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I did originally. Now I just have starbursting occasionally on bad days. I have always had it to a small degree. I only usually notice it from car headlights and its minimal. Sometimes off of street lights, but it's rare anymore. I think that since it was always there some to me that I just started ignoring it again, or my brain tuned it out.

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