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ok, well in a show of solidarity to my ex girlfriend im getting a tattoo at the end of the month when she gets hers cos shes shitting it. problem is my pain threshold is really shit. i got a couple of wee tiny tattoos 12 years ago i can remember being really sore (and at the time my hppd was 'under control' and pain threshold was higher) and this ones gonna be bigger. anything i can take beforehand to not feel it as much, aside from morphine? lol. ive got access to tramadol but as a pain reliever i dont rate it much.

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First of all, i don't advise you to get a tattoo. Secondly, don't be a wuss. lol. You want to feel like you're alive.... right? well there you go. Unless you are getting it on your ball-sack you should be alright. Thirdly, why are you getting a tattoo in tribute to your estranged girlfriend?

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Lol. Dunno, we've got a wee girl (2) together and the relationship between us has been fractious to say the least in the past, and its ultimately not helped when it comes to seeing my wee girl a bit more. Shes been thawing recently which is a lot easier on me And I think she's having a mid life crisis cos she wants one (a tattoo) so I said I'd back her up. She's terrified of needles and blood etc. if it helps build bridges I'm all for it.

Yeah, I spose I will feel alive, bit of unrelenting pain for an hour.. Last few days I've been dp/dr'd up to the max. And a dull migraine percolating in the background, and depressive mood swings too. I dunno if its linked to the lyrica I've just started taking (allthough i thought that would help with migraine...not in this case) though or if I was going that way anyway. Winters just kicked in here and my mood in general takes a biiig dip. Fuckin SAD.

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i like the year of the dragon.................the theatre faces remind me too much of people who (in the past) were diagnosed with hysteria (one minute laughing the next crying); plus, I'm not sure if you have ever seen these trailor trash kids into clown rap groups............anyway lol.....i would go with the dragon, much cooler.

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Yeah, il deffo get the dragon. I'm getting chucked out the house and getting my own flat so money will be tight. So getting the other one will be a pipe dream anyway. Allthough I did say 'can you make them normal noses and not clown noses?' And he was like yeah, not a problem.

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