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mild hppd is it?


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ohh i see. if i stare for like 30seconds on a rug or something i can see it breath and move a little. i had alot of anxiety first when i figured what i was experiecing but not so much anymore and i had some depersonalization. the after images seem to have gotten better over the last 6 weeks of exercising and absinth from drugs. should it go away completly soon? iv'e heard of this thing called mild or pre-hppd and it can go away if i stay away from weed and all that?

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Funesera your symptoms sound a lot like mine. I consider my HPPD mild. I get a little anxiety every now and again. Used to get head pressure but that's gone. So I have a wee bit of static, some trails at night, star-bursting off of lights, and a tiny tiny bit of tinnitus. I don't even really notice that, unless I'm sleeping on that side with that ear pressed against my pillow. I also have very, very light short afterimages sometimes. For a while, and now, I seem to have a very small amount memory problem. This has come and gone. Sometimes ill notice its a lot better, like better than ever. Then the next week Ill forget a word, but remember the meaning. Its strange. Anyways, consider yourself lucky. I can go about all business as normal usually. I prefer to stay inside at night, the car and street lights aggravate my symptoms, and this is the time when they are most noticeable. During they day its almost as if I don't have it. It seems to be getting better, very, very slowly.

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hi guys i was wondering if this is mild hppd? i sometimes get a after-image sometimes of my tv screen if i blink really hard it lasts maybe 2-3 seconds? and when im driving when i see reflections of the sun on other cars it stays in my vision for up to 1minute more annoucned when i blink though or the same goes for Very bright lights when its dark around if i stare at the light for couple seconds then look away i can see it for up to a minute. started happening around couple months ago. i use to be very sensitive to light but that has passed like i can stare at lighs at night and all that without a problem.. i can go about my day without even noticing it really but was just wondering?

Since you have weird visuals after taking LSD, then by definition you have HPPD. HPPD is a list of symptoms that one gets after hallucinogens (recreational drugs). You don't have to have all the symptoms in the list ... many do not. Everyone has it different.

Basically it is mild for you (great B) ). And 2 months is a short time.

It is normal when looking at the sun (or bright things) for there to be an afterimage - like the "flashbulb effect". Now you just have it a lot longer and, IMO, that is probably mostly dopamine related. But it is really hard to know until you try stuff.

Since you have only had this a short time, the best thing to do is live healthy (eat, sleep, activity - physical and social, limit drinking, no drugs, ...) and give your body time. You should see improvement over time, though don't be surprised if some new symptoms pops up - this is common too.

Are your afterimages negative, positive, or both?

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i think its positive? i only seem to get it from sun reflection or very bright lights. then it lasts up to 45-60 seconds just a dot kind of thing. i use to be sensitive to light but that has lessend i use to get like heavy head during daylight and what not but thats gone. but i for sure notice an improvement over the last two months. after images dont last as long. like i have this habit of blinking really hard thats when i sometimes see the after image here and there OCD. i guess haha but when i dont blink i can go along with life 100% without noticing it. just cant help the blinking hehehe><

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Yea, when I don't take my med, I used to be able to make an afterimage last up to 2 minutes by blinking. Without blinking it would not last so long.

Normal afterimages are negative and are caused by photoreceptors in the eye "bleaching" (pigment 'exhaustion'). So if you look at this image for a while, then look at a white wall, you will see opposite colors (red lettering becomes green).


Neurons in the eye are phasic in response (meaning they trigger/fire by change). The neural configuration in the retina does some pre-processing for the brain, essentially deciding how much weight should be put on signals (ignore or enhance). Blinking seems to get these neurons to amplify the fading pigment-signal. One of the neurotransmitters used with these neurons is dopamine.

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ohh yeah i know what you mean. yeah i stare at it then juust look on the white background of coputer and its green. that a good sign? these dont bother me a whole lot though cause they never last more then 2-3 seconds if ever now. its more sun reflection haha

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