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I need help, again..Who had social anxiety before HPPD, and did HPPD make it worse or stay the same.

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Now that my HPPD is gone for the most part do you think I should take anti d’s to make my SA go away, or should I continue to keep on ignoring it, even though it still eats at me and my SA is very evident to other people. I know all this may sound petty to you guys, considering you have visuals and an array of other symptoms, but I was in your guys shoes too at one point, for a good chunk of my teenage life. What should I do? It's like I forgot how to talk to other people?!

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It's alright unless you feel that you definitely need to be more of a social animal. I have had this sort of thing (SA non-clinically) for quite a long time.

I think a lot of it has to do with self-esteem, self-image, measuring up to ideals for beauty, social role, occupation, fear of embarrassment, and fear of judgment.

You haven't forgotten how to talk to people. Perhaps you feel that you are not as witty, "interesting" or insightful as you had been in the past. (which is probably not true). Most people won't notice your reluctance to open up (or be cool) because of rational or irrational fear (in general), or fear of embarrassment. You can start by "re-learning" some of what you had lost by integrating yourself slowly, or watching things like Comedy Central or stand-up comedy in general [to re-awaken your sense of humor, and not take anything too seriously].

[just be a little careful]. but don't sweat it.

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I have had visual symptoms (visual snow) since I was a kid and I've never taken drugs, so I think I'm not the "typical" person affected of HPPD; social anxiety has been something I had to control growing up. At the beginning you should be very selective to be with few people who trust and understand you; then when you feel more comfortable you should be more relaxed in more informal circumstances. It's a process, take your pace to do it. Take care.

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I've had this, hence getting out my tree in my formative years. Still a bit SA'd up but you've just got to grow into yourself in a not giving a fuck what people think way. Your still young. I went through a period of constantly wearing hats to give myself a shield against SA haha. Just automatically couldnt handle people i didnt allready know. Think it's maybe time to go hat shopping again.

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You're all right, I think I just need to start living life again. I thought it would be a walk in the park once my hppd was gone, but I was so, so, so wrong. Just didn't realize that my old problems would come back to bite me in the ass. For the last month I've been doing nothing besides working, sleeping, and eating junk...I think

I need to get off my ass and clean my room and get back into my normal exercise routine. It's such an easy solution to a complex problem, but it's much easier said than done.


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I've had this, hence getting out my tree in my formative years. Still a bit SA'd up but you've just got to grow into yourself in a not giving a fuck what people think way. Your still young. I went through a period of constantly wearing hats to give myself a shield against SA haha. Just automatically couldnt handle people i didnt allready know. Think it's maybe time to go hat shopping again.

I use to wear big hoodies as a child! want to go shopping? ;) haha

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Shopping can be your next addiction if you got the money. I'll tell you HPPD has alway been very conducive to shopping (....I don;t know why)

But at one time that was the only joy I had in my life. ...........I think 'cause you are forced into being grounded in the material world.......blahblahblahblah.....blah lol

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Yeah. I routinely blow my months wages in a week on utter shite, feel buzzed (dopamine no doubt), then curse myself for another three weeks till next pay. Without.fail. I really buy some crap like. Spent 70 quid on a pair of Adidas toe trainers for the gym that everybody takes the piss out of but I think they're smart as fuck.

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r.trudeau-ADs?....you got SSRIs and DNRI-type AD (these 2 are best IMO) ......You may benefit looking into these

duty- toe shoes?.....they comfy?

I am kinda afraid to take anti d because they make my visuals a little woncky. do you know of any anti that react will with keppra??? I am going to my pdoc on monday and she what she says, but yes, I do realize pilzz in bottles don't always correct things.

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I had or have a slight social anxiety mines more with talking to chicks I been reading a great book introducing nlp all about being confident and successful lol

I was born a Lezbo so talking to girls ls like second nature haha, if I'm not having a bad SA day or have just a single blue moon I'm golden! haha I'll have to add that book to my reading list, and thanks for the advice man!

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I was born a Lezbo so talking to girls ls like second nature haha, if I'm not having a bad SA day or have just a single blue moon I'm golden! haha I'll have to add that book to my reading list, and thanks for the advice man!

Lol really maybe i should get some tips off you on that area and I'll be all sorted then haha no worries though it's a good book definitely check it out :-)

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What's the book sammy? I think I needs me a bit of that. I'm the same as you. I hate it when a chicks clearly into me but then a more confident relaxed (but altogether uglier) mofo swoops in and that's that. Lol. I'm like one of the guys in films, like jim in American pie, or Simon in the inbetweeners lol. I woulda thought age woulda remedied this but nooooo.

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Haha mate read the game by Neil strauss it changed my life lol and the way I approach girls literally the book was write by the ugly mofo who swoops in and takes that girl haha after that I'd reccomend NLP just to help improve with all sorts of aspects of life its about training your thought patterns and connecting positive anchors to certain experiences for example connecting confidence by hearing a word or touch so you can activate that particular feeling when you want it very insightful sort of got some hypnosis to it as well I'm a geek for all that kinda stuff hypnosis psychology and reading people lol like they say we communicate more with body language and tone of voice only about 7% is what we actually say

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sammy + duty---Any girl who is going to change her tune to a slime balls request is not the girls for you, for sure, lol......

Anyway. rtrudeau--if i were to drink --which i don't--it would either be a blue moon w/ orange, or a guinness-----eitherway, pills are not always the answer, but you have had success with Keppra. The SSRI-brand of AD has been shown to help regrow braincells. Nobody is going to force you to take anything, just something to consider IMO. With SSRIs, the real danger would be serotonin syndrome. Serotonin is the chemical that helps you feel euphoria (certainly a good feeling...lol). SS is from a SSRI overdose or taking MAOI with SSRI. You then get toxic amounts of serotonin floating around in the synapse. Just consider, taking 5 tylenols at once can be toxic. Nevertheless, this [sSRIs] is an absolute wonder class of drugs and there are definitely better drugs than others in this class, as well. ---The other option would be DNRI-type stuff.

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Blue moon with a wedge of orange is my favorite type of beer, I don't drink as often as I once did for obvious reasons though. Anyways, mg- I think I am going to hold off on the ANTI D's for awhile and give nootropics another shot and getting back on some vitamins that I use to take a few months back when I had full fledged hppd. Something about taking any type of anti d doesn't sit well in my stomach...most likely because I am going to school to become a naturopath, plus I know they're supplements out there that work a lot better than modern day meds that don't produce any negative side effects. That's just my 2 cents though.

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All the hype about keppra "curing" hppd on this website and on others sites swayed me a little from my believes. Plus, keppra is actually a safe nootropic. I maybe a little bit of hypocrite, but I have good intentions.

anyways, what the heck is "qi gong?"

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qi gong is like yoga/tai-qi/type of activity .........even used as an alternative to chinese medicine. Qi gong utilizes your vital energy/life energy/internal power/the air around you.

Nootropics includes a huge amount of drugs. I'm interested in what is the basic attitude/goal of a naturopath?

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qi gong is like yoga/tai-qi/type of activity .........even used as an alternative to chinese medicine. Qi gong utilizes your vital energy/life energy/internal power/the air around you.

Nootropics includes a huge amount of drugs. I'm interested in what is the basic attitude/goal of a naturopath?

I'll have to check that out! Noortopics are a "drug," that cause no harm to your body as they are designed to allow both hemispheres of the brain to work as one, without any advise side effects.

I'll get back to your second question later, I could ramble on about it for hours, but my hands hurt and I am ZzZz

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