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get sober!!


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so if you've been here for a while you might remember me posting about how long it took me to stop habitually smoking pot. Well over the summer i got my shit together (well I had a couple slip ups) but i pretty much stayed sober. school just started again and now that I'm around all my friends and since visuals barely bother me anymore and my anxiety got way better i started smoking again i think 2 or 3 weeks ago. It's already made a difference. I thought that my symptoms were barely getting better while I was sober but now that i started again i remember what my visuals and anxiety were like a couple months ago.

I can't really say it's worth it anymore. if any of you still smoke then just give away your weed and stop right now. believe me, it's way better.

I know that everybody knows using drugs will make hppd worse, but I'm just posting this to try and convince anyone that is on the fence about quitting to stop. I feel so stupid that I kept smoking for 6 months after i initially got hppd.

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I know that feel bro. I always remember pot how it was before HPPD instead of how it is with HPPD. It makes me anxious as fuck. Frankly im glad im not spening 100's of dollars a month on it anymore. It's also a nice weight off my shoulders not having to worry about getting in trouble with it. Hopefully we'll all get better down the road and at least get to enjoy a few drinks.

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I don't know many people who smoke weed right before taking a school test, to get them sharper. If you have any sort of anxiety and cognitive dysfunction before, smoking just makes it worse. When i was younger, it helped sometimes. But it's the nature of the drug, especially here in the US, as a young person you fear getting arrested, parents, teachers etc. That is the breeding ground for changing you. Aside from the natural anxiety-induction of most marijuana strains, paranoia becomes an association.

When we come out of this, i hope everybody has a new respect for chemicals. And remember most people don't care what happens to you.

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I've begun slowly changing my life because of a chemicals in general. You wouldn't believe half of the shit companies put into your every day things. Shampoos, toothpastes, deodorants. Its sickening. It all has an affect on your body, and it's why people are dying of cancer everywhere. I know this sounds like an unrelated rant. But since were all trying to get better I believe this is a major part of it. I dont think its about getting back to where we were, I think its about getting past where we were, and learning.

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To put something into perspective about chemicals, you can buy a salt-substitute at the grocery store that contains, as one of its main components, the same chemical found in a Texas State Corrections Lethal Injection.

So if hppd gets too rough, loads of salt will do the trick, got it!

On topic: Since pot permanently aggravated my symtoms i'm not touching that shit anymore. I stick to beer, some of you might think i'm reckless and i know(!) That only a few beers can make hppd worse but so be it, i'm willing to make that bet. I will never abandon my social life!

I'm not posting very often and my posts doesn't have much valuable info to them but i just want to keep in touch, much internet love to you all!

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I'm not posting very often and my posts doesn't have much valuable info to them but i just want to keep in touch, much internet love to you all!

keep it up man, I kinda miss the people who used to post regularly but then stopped suddenly :\. At least that means they're recovering though

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