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I woke up this morning feeling very refreshed, like I had taken the longest, greatest nap in a while. I had spent the night frequently waking up to urinate, which I found odd. Anyways, I kinda passed in and out, and finally fell asleep. I woke up and noticed I felt different. When I finally got up to make some breakfast I felt very calm, too clam. Sorta medicated, and dizzy. After around three hours of being awake, I'm super fucking exhausted. I mean to the point, where sleeping is hardly a choice. I had this problem sorta a month ago. Where I would just be super tired around 8 P.M. or so. This is crazy, though. I have been awake for a few hours and I am more tired than I was a 2 A.M. last night. Any one ever have this? Do you think it is related to HPPD? My HPPD is generally very mild nowadays. Its really just starbursting and the odd flare up of snow. I also get slight anxiety sometimes, but I think thats more just me being me than anything else.

P.S. Forgot to metion my mouth is also super fucking dry. I couldn't swallow my bread this morning, it was so dry.

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I don't know.......what's your supplement of choice these days?.......melatonin?........

I was just reading that as a kid your circadian rhythms are pretty much clocked-into sleeping when it's dark and being up when it's light.

As you enter into adolescence 'til probably somewhere in your 20's, your schedule (sleep/wakefulness) moves up a couple hours or so.

In other word, you want to go to sleep at 12-2 am wake up at 9-11 am. At some point in your life, your body switches back (usually) to "normal" patterns.

If you hit REM sleep, your breathing slows and your mouth could be open and make your mouth dry. By the time you get enough REM-sleep, it kind of purges all those weird psychological hang-ups that are below the surface. You wake up and you are not thinking of anything. You are up but feel like it would be easier than usual to get into the further stages of sleep.

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I'm taking a Gaba complex, and L Theanine. That sounds interesting. The thing is that the dry mouth has been persistent all day, including now. Maybe it is because I took a Tylenol PM yesterday? That would be weird considering I took it like 24 hours ago, though.

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Hmmmm. I don't know. It deffinitely messed with my symptoms. Not sure if that was for better or worse, though. Made more blue pixely dots show up than usual, which I think I got from tripping on it in the first place. So, not sure. Didn't seem like it. Either way, I would be too tired all the time to care.

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i took another one .....felt pretty good when i was on it ...........now, a day or two later, i feel like my head wants to implode like a black hole............i feel kinda like "a chicken with its head cut off"............and until i just ate something, i felt like i was ready to kill someone ..................i feel moody, cloudy, out-of-it, fried..........maybe it's just me ....

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Man, I get exhausted to the max at times. Like if I don't lie down il fall down. Then when I finally have a kip ( usually 2-4 hours) at whatever time, usually between 3 n 6 pm, I wake up feeling shit like all the hppd shit in my subconscious has just been displayed slowly to me like on a conveyer belt. It sucks.

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Ouch Monkey, that sounds awful. Mine isn't that bad. Hahahaha Mg I told you! Hmm, I dont know, I am feeling a lot better now, though. Almost like I take one, it gets really bad, then it gets really good. That sounds about right though, I was super pissed all day. I felt trippy, and exhausted.

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I've considered working out, to see if it helped. I used to work out a lot when I was trying to impress everyone in High School, then I started smoking pot and I didn't give a shit anymore. Maybe I should have kept giving a shit. . . . Anyways, I'm super tired today. I felt a sharp pain in my head, like 5 hours ago and now i'm exhausted.. Weird.

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