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Natural aids for brain cognition


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you could always eat 4 lbs. of cauliflower....lol j/k It says we need 550mg a day. ....It's in eggs, cod, chicken, milk pretty good.....

but the most is in raw beef liver.....lol..............Just get have a fish and chips with an egg on the side and a chocolate milk and you should be fine mate.

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i bought some choline powder and took spoonfuls of it but didnt notice much effect - maybe it needs to be taken consistently for a while? Or maybe i get enough choline from diet. I get most benefit from things that affect calcium or glutathione: so far i like acetyl cysteine, magnesium, high dose vitamin d, and i am currently (following a tip-off from this forum) trying vitamin k2 with promising results (seems to boost mood and clarity but early days).

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never got into gingko, but someone on here swears by it. I buy a big bag of mangesium hydroxide powder off ebay and take a teaspoon or so with meals. I mix it with some acid (malic usually, some say it is good with magnesium for other reasons too) so it isnt as laxative and dissolves better.

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theyre you go then, dream analysed to perfection lol. sounds not a bad dream actually commpared to mines. mines are all running away from someone/something in slow motion and falling while whatever it is is getting closer. or fighting someone and hitting them full force drives with no effect, thats a bummer. or being lost in some huge factory/mansion/house/maze and constantly turning round corners to dead ends (with the feeling times running out). all the usual freudian shit probs. but a lot of em. a roger daltrey dream sounds positively idyllic. very occasionally il get a dream of bounding about over houses n shit and i like them. :)

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